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Monday, December 26, 2011

Cameron is 10 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 10 Weeks Old!
Age:  10 Weeks
Weight:  12 lbs 10 oz
Clothing Size:  Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones:  Longest Night of Sleep - 11 hours 12/25
Special Outings:  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Celebrations
Feeding Schedule:  ~6-8 x's per day

The biggest change this week is Cami's feeding schedule.  Per the recommendation of her pediatrician at her two month appointment I began feeding Cami from both breasts each nursing session instead of just one.  She eats for a little longer, but will now go at least 2 hours between feedings.  Most of the time she'll go 2.5 - 3 hours. With this new 'schedule', she has been nursing only 6 times per day.  I think some of this can be attributed to her growth slowing down now that she is over two months old.  

Cami doesn't really have a set schedule during the day, however she has been consistently going to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 then waking up anywhere from 6:00 to 8:30.  She naps on and off during the day - usually in her bouncy seat or swing.  I think once she starts daycare, she might develop more of a daytime schedule.

This weekend we celebrated Christmas.  It was a busy two days but we survived Cami's first Christmas.  :)  Christmas night she had her longest night of sleep - 11 hours!  Christmas Day was a LONG day for us and Cami didn't get too many naps so by the time 9:00pm rolled around I could tell she was EXHAUSTED.  She was so tired that it took a while to calm her down from crying to nurse before going to sleep.

This is my last week before going back to work!  Bryan is off work as well so we'll just be relaxing until 2012!

Cami and Brady hanging out while I wrap presents

Christmas Camula
Cami by the Christmas Tree and Presents

Christmas Eve

Uncle Danny, Jade and Cami with Crazy Eyes

Happy Cami
Our Family on Christmas Eve
Our Family on Christmas
Me, Cami and My Parents on Christmas
Getting ready to open presents!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Cameron is 9 Weeks Old!

Cami's Serious Face
Cameron Leigh is 9 Weeks Old!
Age:  9 Weeks
Weight:  12 lbs 5 oz
Clothing Size:  Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Special Outings:  Mother & Baby Tea 12/12;  Mother & Baby Talk 12/16

It’s officially been 3 weeks of Cami sleeping through the night.  I feel like it’s safe to say this is now her routine and will hopefully only change if she’s not feeling well or going through a growth spurt.  ::KNOCK ON WOOD::

I went to my normal tea on Monday, however it was our last one!  Tea is meant for babies through 8 weeks so we graduated and have moved on to the talk on Friday’s which is for babies 8-16 weeks.  It was fun to see all the older babies.

Cami has become a lot more interested in her hands this week.  She is constantly sticking them in her mouth.  Sometimes it looks like she's trying to fit her whole fist in there.

We went out to dinner on Friday night with Cami.  She was awake the entire time of dinner but was perfectly content hanging out in her car seat.  She didn’t make a sound.  We also took Cami to a Christmas party on Saturday and it turned into a game of pass the baby around.  She was very well behaved and everyone was impressed with how ‘good’ of a baby she was.

We are all looking forward to Cami’s first Christmas!  I can’t believe it’s almost 2012.  Time is flying.
Cami's first pair of jeans!
Tummy Time
Big Yawn
Cami's ready for Santa!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cameron is 2 Months Old!

Cameron Leigh is 2 Months Old!
Age: 2 Months
Weight: 12 lbs 2.5 oz, ~70%
Length: 23.5 in., ~90%
Head Circ: 15 in, ~50%
Clothing Size: Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.

We had Cameron’s 2 month checkup on Thursday (12/15). Dr. Silverman said she is “growing like a weed!” She’s currently in the 90th percentile for her length – if she keeps growing at that rate we’ll have a tall girl on our hands! Her weight is around the 70th percentile so she is long and lean. She definitely has mommy’s small head measuring at the 50th percentile.

We also got Cameron’s first set of vaccinations. They gave her 4 shots and one oral vaccine. The nurse was really good and quickly gave Cami two shots in one thigh followed by two shots in her other thigh. As soon as she was done I picked her up and cuddled with her. She did REALLY well and only cried for maybe a minute. We loaded her up in the car seat and she was passed out within 10 minutes. She slept A LOT throughout the day. She was a little bit fussy when her Tylenol dose would wear off so I continued that for 24 hours. By the next day she seemed ok and didn’t show any signs of soreness where she had the shots.

We obviously have been taking Cami out a lot with us but it will be nice to know she is fully vaccinated now and we don’t have to be as cautious about germs.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cameron is 8 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 8 Weeks Old!
Age: 8 Weeks
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (home)
Length: N/A
Clothing Size: Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones: Longest Night of Sleep – 10.5 hours 12/08
Special Outings: Mother & Baby Tea 12/05 & 12/07; Playdate 12/09
Feeding Schedule: ~8-10 x’s per day

My baby is almost 2 months old! I can’t believe it. She continues to get bigger every day and is becoming more and more interactive. She smiles and is beginning to ‘talk’ more.

Her sleep schedule has been fairly consistent – with the exception of one night. We try not to let her nap after 4 or 5 pm so by the time 9 pm rolls around, she is quite tired. For her last nursing session around this time I take her to her room, turn all the lights out and turn on her lighted mobile. I let her nurse for 5-10 minutes when she starts slowing down and dozing a little. I then swaddle her which wakes her up a bit and then finish nursing until she passes out – another 10-15 minutes. When she’s completely gone I can usually lay her in her crib and she’s good for the night!

Cami did have one ‘bad night’ on Wednesday. She would only sleep for 3 hours at a time and was up for at least an hour in between. I’m pretty sure she had some bad gas that was making her fussy and keeping her up. Otherwise she average 9 hours of sleep a night all last week!

During the day, Cami eats like clockwork. She rarely goes longer than two hours without eating – and when she’s hungry, she’ll let you know! A couple of times this week we’ve been in the car on the way home when her meal time came around - cue bloody murder screams and crying until we get home. The two hours gets a little rough – but having her sleep through the night is worth it for me.

We got in some exercise this week which was exciting. I got a fancy jogging stroller and took Cami out for two 2.35 mile run/walks around the area. She really likes being outside. For the first run she was awake and alert the entire time just looking around and enjoying herself. The second time, she slept the whole way.

We also enjoyed our first LM Playdate on Friday. My friend Heather invited us to the group and this month’s theme was a secret Santa exchange. The other babies there were 6 months, 11 months and 15 months. It was fun seeing what we have to look forward too. We drew names before Friday and brought a gift to exchange. Cami received a cute outfit and two new toys.

Family Picture by the Christmas Tree

Cami helped decorate the tree!

Cami in her 'Little Black Dress'

Modeling her Christmas Sleeper

Looking Mischievous

Cami practicing rolling over (with help)

Hangin out on the couch with daddy

Camula returns!

Cami with Grandpa Santa

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cameron is 7 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 7 Weeks Old!
Age: 7 Weeks
Weight: 11 lbs 4.3 oz (home)
Length: N/A
Clothing Size: Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones: Longest Night of Sleep – 10 hours 11/29
Special Outings: Mother & Baby Tea 11/28 & 12/01; Dinner Out 11/30; Visited Grandma Judy 11/29 & 12/02; Wyatt’s 1 Year Birthday Party 12/03; Girl’s Night Cookie Party 12/03
Feeding Schedule: ~8-10 x’s per day

Cami continued her amazing sleep schedule this week! She averaged 8.75 hours of sleep with her shortest span being 6 hours and her longest being 10 hours. I’m getting so spoiled – if she goes back to the 3-4 hour spans I don’t know what I’ll do! She goes down for the night around 9-10 pm then is up between 5-7 am.

Overall, this was a good week. Cami had one fussy day where she wanted to eat more than normal (Almost every 1.5 hours) and would cry if I put her down. It was a stressful day for me but by the time evening rolled around, she went to bed without an issue and slept her normal 8-9 hours. I was worried she was going to be up all night.

Cami has started smiling a LOT more this week. If you talk goofy to her or make silly faces she might crack a smile….or just look at you like you’re crazy. Depends on her mood! She hasn’t been enjoying her swing too much lately. Seems like she’s going through a phase where she would rather be up right a little more. She loves her bouncy seat and enjoys staring at the bird mobile hanging from it. She also stays entertained at her play gym for a while. I prop her up on the Boppy pillow and she looks around and swings her arms at the toys.

"The Camula!" - This is what happens when daddy changes Cami!

Bundled up for one of the cooler days.

One of my favorite pics - so cute.

Smiling at the bird mobile on her bouncy seat.

Chillin with daddy.

Cami loves her headbands! (Or maybe I just love dressing her in them!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cameron is 6 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 6 Weeks Old!
Age: 6 Weeks
Weight: 10 lbs 14.3 oz (home)
Length: N/A
Clothing Size: Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones: Longest Night of Sleep – 9 hours 11/26
Special Outings: Mother & Baby Tea 11/21 & 11/23; Dinner Out 11/23 & 11/26; Out to Watch Patriots Game 11/27
Feeding Schedule: ~8-10 x’s per day

Cami’s biggest accomplishment this week was her sleep schedule! At the beginning of the week for 3 nights in a row she was up for about 2 hours straight around 2 am wanting to eat. I think this may have been her 6 week growth spurt? All of a sudden on Friday night she slept for 7.5 hours straight. I woke up after about 7 hours amazed and didn’t really know what to do! I was engorged so I decided to pump a little bit for relief and figured maybe she would wake up by the time I was done. It worked . The next night (Saturday) she slept for 9 hours straight! Getting a normal night’s sleep is amazing! Last night she continued the trend with 6.5 hours of sleep. Here’s to hoping it continues!

Cami now noticeably focuses on objects. She’ll watch the mobile on her swing and looks at the toys hanging from her car seat. She is also making a lot more noises to communicate (happy noises!). She gets cuter by the day!

On Monday night, Bryan and I went to a Yelp event and had my mom babysit. We were out for around 3 hours. While we were gone, Cami mostly slept. We had Grandma wake her to eat so she wouldn’t get too much rest! She took a bottle from Grandma and was perfectly content. It was nice to get out with Bryan and enjoy some wine and dinner.

Thursday we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. My mom and dad came over with turkey and stuffing. Joanne and Eph came over with an appetizer, a broccoli casserole and a delicious chocolate pie dessert. Cameron was good and mostly slept the whole time. When she was awake, she enjoyed all the attention.

We got some good walks in this week too. On Saturday we loaded up Cami and the dogs and headed to Lake Underhill. We did a lap around the lake (1.33 miles) as one big happy family. The dogs enjoyed getting some much needed exercise and attention. On Sunday we had lunch on the patio at Wildeside BBQ in Thorton Park. Afterwards we headed to Lake Eola for a nice walk around there (1.25 miles). It was a really nice day to be out.


Daddy and Cami on Thanksgiving

Mommy and Cami on Thanksgiving

Chillin with Daddy

Enjoying Bath Time

Getting a Bath From Daddy

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cameron is 5 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 5 Weeks Old!
Age: 5 Weeks
Weight: 10 lbs 5.8 oz (home)
Clothing Size: Finally wearing size 0-3M onesies. She can still wear newborn pants.
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite. We tried another brand and but it was *this* close to leaking out the top of the back.
Milestones: Umbilical Cord Fell Off 11/15; First REAL bath (non-sponge) 11/20
Special Outings: Mother & Baby Tea 11/14 & 11/16; Dinner Out 11/17 & 11/18; Birthday Party 11/19
Feeding Schedule: ~10 x’s per day

Cami is still doing well! I took her to the pediatrician Tuesday for her umbilical cord. The Dr. treated it and it immediately fell of the next day. It was a bit oozy at first but now it seems pretty normal. It’s nice not having to worry about it anymore. From out 2 week visit to this visit (15 days), Cami had gained 26 ounces. From what I’ve read 5-8 ounces a week is normal so she is definitely over achieving. The Dr. was not concerned as breastfed babies can’t be overfed. They stop when they are full.

Her sleep is ok. The beginning of the week was going well, but the past two nights it’s been a struggle to get her down at the beginning of the night. It seems like she’s up between 10pm – 12am and wants to eat twice (one hour apart). I guess maybe she’s just filling up for the night? I’d much prefer it if she’s do this a little bit earlier! Between about 1am – 5am she’ll usually wake up once but goes back down pretty easily.

We took her out to dinner twice this week with success. She pretty much slept the whole time we were out which was nice. On Tuesday we met Bryan and Kelly at Tijuana Flats and on Thursday I met some of my co-workers at 5 Guys. Again, she slept both times.

On Saturday night we went to a birthday party for Bryan’s friend Betsy. I wore Cami in the sling. She was awake for a good amount of time just looking around and enjoying the attention. She fell asleep for a bit then woke up ready to eat. When I went to feed her there, we had our first blowout in public! She managed to poop through her diaper, onesie AND pants! Of course I didn’t bring an extra outfit. I had a little long sleeve shirt on over her onesie so after getting cleaned up, she wore that with a diaper and a blanket then back into the sling. She’s a little stinky one! All the guests at the party were impressed with how good Cami was while we were there. She didn’t cry once and was perfectly content the entire time.

Last night we gave Cami her first real bath now that her umbilical cord has fallen off. She actually seemed to enjoy being in the warm water. She had no issues with us scrubbing her body and hair and even tolerated the rinse pretty well. Once we took her out of the water, she started crying as I’m sure she was probably a bit cold.

She was cracking me up at the Dr.'s office with this cute face.

All dressed up for a lunch date with daddy!

This is her typical "I'm Full" look.

Ready for the Gator game in her cute Gator Girlie onesie from Abby.

Daddy's Girl

"Look at my belly!"