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Monday, January 30, 2012

Cameron is 15 Weeks Old!

This seems to be her favorite pose.
Cameron Leigh is 15 Weeks Old!
Age:  15 Weeks
Weight:  13 lbs 13.3 oz
Clothing Size:  Still wearing her 0-3M clothes, Now wearing 3-6M 1 piece sleepers - she's just so long!
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1, although we're ready for size 2!  I ordered some new diapers this weekend.

We’ve officially survived the 3 month growth spurt! Wow, that was no joke.  It started slightly last Wednesday.  Cami’s ‘normal’ behavior is to consume 6 bottles a day for a total of about 26 oz.  She typically has 3 of the bottles while at day care.  She also rarely eats in the middle of the night – even if she gets up.  Here’s how the growth spurt went down:
Wednesday:  Cami took a 4th bottle while at daycare.  (28 oz.)
Thursday:  All hell breaks loose.  Cami was up at 11pm (late Weds night).  I try the typical rocking her back to sleep – nothing works.  I go ahead and give her 2 oz. at midnight hoping that would get her back to sleep.   No such luck.  Bryan takes over and gives her the remaining 2 oz. just before 1am.  After an hour she is STILL awake and I take over.  She starts her ‘bloody murder feed me RIGHT now’ screams so I heat up another bottle.  She takes the whole 4 oz. down no problem and immediately passes out.  In total she was up for 3 hours…in the middle of the night.
At daycare she took the extra 4th bottle and the evening at home was relatively normal.  However after being in bed for an hour, she woke up hungry again.  I heated up another bottle and luckily she passed out for the night after the extra 4 oz.  (37 oz.)
Friday:  Cami ate a TON at daycare.  She had the extra 4th bottle I packed plus an additional 1.5 bottles from the emergency freezer stash.  That’s almost twice as much as a ‘normal’ day!  They said she didn’t sleep too much during the day, so hopefully she’d sleep well at home.  Ha, Cami decided she wanted to stay up until 11:30pm and have an extra meal in the process.  Silly girl.  (38 oz.)
Saturday:  Cami was in and out of fussiness all day.  She finally took a LONG nap from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  After that she stayed up until 11:30 pm again and took 8 bottles total.  (33 oz.)
Sunday:  Things calmed down some.  She slept in until 9 am and took about a 2.5 – 3 hour nap in the afternoon.  I finally had to wake her up for fear she would sleep all evening and be up all night.  She had 7 bottles total.  (28 oz.)
Hopefully she’s finished the growth spurt and things can go back to normal around here!  I will say that I’m glad I had made the switch to pumping because I would have been 10 times more exhausted nursing her as often as she ate.  I was able to pull some milk out of the freezer to account for the extra ounces she was eating.   All in all, I’m happy with this decision and it’s working very well for us.
She also gained weight this week which I was happy to see (and hello! She better have gained weight after all that eating!).  Cami had stalled out the past few weeks and had even lost some from week 13 to week 14.  I’m glad to see we’re moving back in the positive direction.
Yesterday we decided to try her bouncy seat out.  She hasn’t quite figured out the whole bouncing part but the lights and sounds kept her entertained for a few minutes.  We had to put a pillow underneath it since her feet don’t touch the ground yet.
Playing with Sophie the giraffe.

She's just SO cute!

Giving mommy some smiles after work.

Still getting use out of the sling!

Playing with her rattle

Quite interested (or confused) with the lights.

Kaylee wants to play.

"I'm not so sure about this..."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cameron is 14 Weeks Old!

Cami says "Go Patriots!"
Cameron Leigh is 14 Weeks Old!
Age:  14 Weeks
Weight:  13 lbs 6.8 oz
Clothing Size:  Still wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Feeding Schedule:  6 x's per day

There's been a few interesting changes around here this week.  The first is we are no longer swaddling Cami's arms!  Friday night she woke up crying around 4:45 am.  I always wait a few minutes to see if she'll put herself back to sleep before actually going into her room.  When I went in, I did the typical routine - give her the pacifier and play her mobile music.  She was still very fidgety and it looked like she was trying SO HARD to get her arms out of her swaddle.  So I figured I'd let her arms out and see what happens.  I unswaddled her arms but left her bottom half still swaddled.  She brought her arms up by her head and immediately calmed down.  Within 10 minutes she was back to sleep!  Saturday night I started her with her arms out and she slept for 10 hours - I think that's the most she's slept in a row since the new year.  Last night, I put her down at 8:30 pm and she stayed asleep till I woke her up at 6:30 am.  Hopefully this continues!

The other major change is related to Cami's eating schedule.  Last week I noticed she was falling asleep before she finished eating during her last nursing session of the night.  I believe this was causing her to not sleep as long as she used to.  We moved to using a bottle for her last meal of the day last week and she seemed to be more satisfied.  Now she gets three bottles at daycare so this turned into her 4th bottle of the day - or 2/3rds of her meals were from the bottle (pumped milk) vs. nursing.

I had been semi considering for a bit to just exclusively pump and bottle feed for multiple reasons.  Bryan and I talked about it on Friday and decided that this would be the best scenario for us.  Here are my reasons for this decision:
  • Cami can eat on her schedule and I can pump on mine.
  • Bottle feeding takes 10 minutes vs. a 20-30 minute nursing session.
  • I can let her sleep in an extra 30 minutes before work.
  • I'll always have her bottles readily available so anyone can feed her anywhere at anytime.
  • I can make sure she's eating enough before bed (and throughout the day).
I'm proud that we made it 3 months nursing because I can look at her and know that every ounce she's gained has come from ME and she is thriving.  It was NOT easy, but I am glad I stuck with it.  I'm also proud that we're going to continue feeding her breastmilk as I know that is what's best for her to continue growing and developing.


Cami hanging out with Daddy!
Holding her own bottle!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cameron is 3 Months Old!

Cameron Leigh is 3 Months Old!
Age: 3 Months
Weight: 13 lbs 8.1 oz, ~65%
Length: 24.75 in., ~95%
Head Circ: 15.5 in, ~50%
Clothing Size: Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cameron is 13 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 13 Weeks Old!
Age:  13 Weeks
Weight:  13 lbs 8.1 oz
Clothing Size:  Wearing all 0-3M clothes - They are getting a bit tight thought!
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones:  Nothing major this week!
Special Outings:  N/A
Feeding Schedule:  6 x's per day

We survived the second week back to work and daycare.  My morning routine is getting a bit easier and I have mastered getting to daycare by 7:02am.  Cami's sleep is still all over the place.  She slept through the night two nights last week, however the other nights she would get up and stay up for at least an hour.  She's still a bit congested so I'm hoping once that clears up she'll go back to her normal schedule.  Fingers crossed!

Developmentally this week Cami has started to grab things.  She's not really reaching and grabbing however when I set a toy on her lap she will hold it and move it around.  A few things she even brought up to her mouth.

This weekend we went to Ella's first birthday party.  Cami was very content sitting on my lap and observing all the other kids playing around.  This is what I think she does at daycare.  It will be fun to watch her get bigger and be able to start interacting with the other kids.
Sucking her Thumb

Brady sneaking a nap on Cami's play mat

Giving mommy smiles before work

Passed out at Ella's Birthday Party

Cami loves sucking her fingers

Cami's favorite position when she's fussy.

Cami grabbing her giraffe Sophie

Cami grabbing her rattle

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cameron is 12 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 12 Weeks Old!
Age:  12 Weeks
Weight:  13 lbs 0.6 oz
Clothing Size:  Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones:  Nothing major this week!
Special Outings:  N/A
Feeding Schedule:  6 x's per day

This last week has felt so long!  Cami started daycare on Monday.  So far she seems to be doing very well.  Ally and Nikki feel more like friends than daycare instructors so it’s made it a lot easier to drop her off.  I typically nurse Cami around 6 am before leaving and then she gets 3 4 oz. bottles during the day – around 9am, 12pm and 3pm.  This schedule has been working for us so far.

This past week Cami’s sleep has been unpredictable.  I’m not sure what the main cause is – but I’m leaning towards gas.  She will wake up around 3am crying but not hungry.  I usually bounce her on my shoulder some or rock her while rubbing her tummy until she calms down.  Then it’s a waiting game to get her to fall back asleep.  If I lay her in her crib too early, she immediately starts crying again.  I end up being up with her for about an hour.  Hopefully it’s just a phase…

Work has been an adjustment.  We’re used to working 6:30 – 3:30 but are now working 7:30 – 4:30 since we drop Cami off at 7:00.  By the time we get off, pick up Cami and get home – it’s time to start dinner.  Before you know it, it’s dark out and past 7pm.   I guess we'll eventually get into a routing and it will get easier.

Cami has really been enjoying her hands this week.  She loves to chew and suck her fist and thumbs.  I swear sometimes I think she can fit her whole fist in her mouth!  It seems to entertain her for a bit.

First day at daycare!

Hangin out with Brady - covered in spit up.

Out for a run with mommy!

Playing with her two best friends.

Cami was REALLY into watching Tebow!

Helping daddy cook

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cameron is 11 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 11 Weeks Old!
Age:  11 Weeks
Weight:  12 lbs 15.6 oz
Clothing Size:  Wearing all 0-3M clothes
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 1 are her favorite.
Milestones:  Nothing major this week!
Special Outings:  N/A
Feeding Schedule:  6 x's per day

It's been a pretty quiet week around here.  We spent Monday recovering from Christmas and the next few days hanging out with Uncle Danny and Jade before they went back to Texas.  On Tuesday we got a big group together to go to Willow Tree Cafe, a festive German restaurant in Sanford.  This was probably the longest I had left Cami for -  almost 4 hours, or two bottles.  She did well though and only was a little fussy for Grandma Judy.

Cami's eating pattern is becoming more predictable.  She usually can make it about 3 hours.  About an hour to hour and a half after eating she has a 10-15 minute fussy period.  She calms down A LOT when you walk outside with her.  It's rather amusing.  On Wednesday we went out to dinner with her and family.  When we were close to done eating, Cami started getting fussy so I took her outside.  It was pretty cold out but as soon as I opened the door she calmed down.  I brought her back inside and two minutes later she started crying again.  Bryan took her back out and she was immediately fine again.  Silly Cami.

For New Year's Eve we were invited out to dinner and over to our neighbor's house to celebrate 2012, however we couldn't find an available babysitter.  Instead we went to Mellow Mushroom the three of us and hung out at home for a bit.  Cami went to bed a little after 10 pm and I went shortly after.  I was exhausted and there was no way I was making it till midnight!  Bryan went to the neighbor's for a bit but came home at midnight to wish me a Happy New Year. :)  

Today is my last day home - back to work tomorrow!  It's been nice being home the past 11 weeks, but I think I'm ready to head back.  It will be nice to have a normal schedule and more adult interaction.  I know Cami will be well taken care of at the daycare providers we chose.  I'm glad we decided to do an in home daycare.  It feels like we're just leaving her at a babysitters or a friends house instead of scary daycare facility.  Hopefully she adjusts well and enjoys making some friends in the future!
Trying out the Bumbo!
Dressed Up
Tummy Time!
Cami smiling at her play mat toys.
"Rock Princess" for New Year's Eve
Cami and I out for pizza on New Year's Eve!