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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Baby #2: 12 Weeks

12 Weeks:  Plum
As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

Weekly Survey

How far along:  12 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a plum
Weight gain:  Up 0.2 lbs for a total gain of 4.2 pounds
Maternity clothes:  Maternity Bottoms
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  Carbs
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  Ultrasound on Monday!
Milestones:  Second Trimester!
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 12 week 'bump'...

12 Weeks

12 Weeks

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cameron is 49 Weeks Old!

49 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 49 Weeks Old!

I can't believe in three and a half weeks my baby will be ONE!  I've started offering her whole milk at meals but she's only taken a few sips here and there.  We've spoiled her and always heat her drinks to room temp...both formula and apple juice.  I want her to get used to drinking milk cold because I don't want to constantly have to heat her drinks for eternity!

We had an event at work this weekend that we were able to take Cami to.  We got a picture of us all in front of the Apache helicopter they flew in.

In front of the Apache
My mom got Cami some bowls that suction to the table.  Cami enjoys eating out of them like a big girl.

Enjoying Spinach Pasta

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby #2: 11 Weeks

Week 11: Lime
Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.

Weekly Survey
How far along:  11 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a lime
Weight gain:  Up 1.4 lbs for a total gain of 4.0 pounds
Maternity clothes:  Maternity Bottoms
Best moment this week:  Visiting Danny and Jade in Texas
Food cravings:  Carbs, Grilled Cheese (I had THREE last week!)
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  A good didn't help that we went to a brewery in Texas.
What I'm looking forward to:  Actually telling people I'm pregnant
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 11 week 'bump'...

11 Weeks

11 Weeks

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cameron is 11 Months Old!

11 Months
Cameron Leigh is 11 Months Old!
Age: 11 Months
Weight: 23 lbs 0 oz, 90%
Length: N/A
Head Circ: N/A
Clothing Size: All 12 - 18 month clothes.
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 4

Cameron is 48 Weeks Old!

48 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 48 Weeks Old!
We had a fun weekend this week.  On Friday morning we flew out to Ft. Worth with Cami to visit Danny and Jade.  Cami was a little fussy on the way over but finally fell asleep with 30 minutes left of the flight.  She took a good nap at Danny's that afternoon and we had a nice dinner out for fajita's at Pappasito's.  Cami stayed up late and slept in nicely the next morning.  Bryan and I were even up before she was for a change.

Saturday we headed out to the Ft. Worth zoo.  Cami didn't seem too interested in the animals although she did enjoy the penguins since we could get face to face with them through the window.  I thought she would have napped at the zoo but no such luck.  After the zoo we had some lunch and headed to a local brewery for some fun.  Cami  fell asleep on the way and stayed asleep the whole time we were at the brewery.  Phew.

The flight on the way home was a little rough.  We lucked out with a whole row to ourself...but it didn't matter too much.  It was nap time and Cami couldn't really nap with everything going on.  She finally got so tired she pretty much cried for 20-30 minutes off and on.  Nothing we did made her happy.  She FINALLY fell asleep for the last 45 minutes of the flight.  Such a relief.

Before we left for Texas, Cami was pretty much cough free and her cold seemed to be all gone.  Of course by Sunday she had a runny nose again.  I started the nebulizer treatments right when we got home again so hopefully she won't start coughing.  Our whole house is sick.  :(

Cami and the penguins.

Having fun in Texas.

Bath time!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Baby #2: 10 Weeks

Week 10: Prune
With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)

Weekly Survey
How far along:  10 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a prune
Weight gain:  Holding Steady
Maternity clothes:  Maternity Bottoms
Best moment this week:  Nothing too exciting this week.
Food cravings:  Carbs, Grilled Cheese
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  Nothing yet
What I'm looking forward to:  Visiting Danny in Texas this weekend!  We're flying with Cami for the first time...should be interesting.
Milestones:  Double digits
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 10 week 'bump'...

10 Weeks

10 Weeks

Monday, September 10, 2012

Cameron is 47 Weeks Old!

47 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 47 Weeks Old!

Oh what a week!  Here's how it went down:

Tuesday:  As I mentioned last week, Cami had a follow up appointment at the pediatrician's for her ear infection.  I thought she still had it because she was overly fussy lately, plus she had a cold I wanted to ask about.  Well her ears looked great...however when the Dr. listened to her lungs, she could tell Cami was very clogged up and struggling to breathe.  She was diagnosed with bronchiolitis and we were given a nebulizer!  To me it looks and sounds like a small air compressor.  You attach a breathing mask with liquid medicine to it and it puts out a fine mist.  I was instructed to use it every 4-6 hours for about 7 minutes until the cough stops...could be 5-10 days.  Let me tell you it is quite interesting trying to get an almost 11 month old to sit still for 7 minutes.  After one treatment at the office the Dr. said she sounded a lot better. 

Around 7pm I started to get Cami's last bottle ready and she's playing on the ground when I hear her coughing a lot.  I look over and she has thrown up a small puddle.  Great.  I pick her up and try and wrestle the dogs outside so they don't eat it.  As I'm trying to this Cami starts projectile vomiting EVERYWHERE...the floor, the wall, the table, the couch, the dog, name it, she got it.  After this she seemed fine and went to bed without a problem.  I figured she had some mucous build up and was just clearing her system.

Wednesday:  I started Cami's day off with a nebulizer treatment and she seemed to be feeling fine after last nights incident so we took her to school...with her new machine and medicine.  I get a call around 3pm saying she had vomited at school and needed to be picked up ASAP.  When I got there, she seemed fine and the teacher said we could come back the next day.  She was herself all evening an had no issues.

Thursday:  Again, Cami seemed fine in the morning so back to school she went.  Sadly I got a call a 8am saying Cami had vomited...again...and I would have to pick her up...again.  Oh and by the way, she can't come back tomorrow.  Awesome.  This is when grandma came to the rescue.  My mom graciously offered to watch Cami for the rest of Thursday and Friday so I could work.

Cami didn't have any more incidents the rest of the week and is coughing a lot less now.  I think it definitely took until Saturday or Sunday for her to stop consistently coughing.  She took a lot of good naps over the past 4 days so I just think her body needed a lot of R&R to recover from the bronchiolitis and apparent stomach bug.  Hopefully this week will be a lot less eventful.

Lunch at Tijuana Flats

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baby #2: 9 Weeks

Week 9: Green Olive
Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!

Weekly Survey
How far along:  9 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a geen olive
Weight gain:  Holding Steady
Maternity clothes:  Maternity Bottoms
Best moment this week:  Nothing too exciting this week.
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  Nothing yet
What I'm looking forward to:  ??
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 9 week 'bump'...
9 Weeks

9 Weeks

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cameron is 46 Weeks Old!

46 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 46 Weeks Old!

Well Cami has seemed to master crawling.  She rarely does her 'inch worm' move anymore and is getting faster and faster by the day.  She also loves getting around in her walker.  She takes off running in it.  Cami is getting much more curious...and it looks like it's time to start baby proofing a bit.  When she's in her walker she tries to open cabinets and play with the outlets.

Cami is on pretty much all table food.  She eats breakfast, lunch and snack at daycare off their menu.  She still drinks 4 bottles a day but seems less interested in them lately.  It takes her a while to finish them and even then she'll still leave an ounce or two.

Cami definitely has a cold right now.  Her nose has been running constantly and she has a cough.  I also think she still has an ear infection (despite just finishins a round of antibiotics) or she's teething really badly.  She won't sleep without crying unless she has some Advil and I can easily tell when it wears off because she gets fussy again.  We have a follow up Dr.'s appointment tomorrow for her ear infection from two weeks ago so hopefully they can provide some insight.

We went to a neighborhood potluck yesterday at the pool.  It was pretty fun and we got to meet some more neighbors.  We spent about an hour hanging out in the pool.  Cami had fun in her float and enjoyed swimming around with us.

Look at all my hair!

Cami Crawling

Cami and Her Walker