Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 2013

Cameron excited to be sitting next to Minnie

Enjoying some fruit out to lunch


First day of School in the "Two's" room

Sunday morning play time

Little man and his crazy hair

The two playing together

Crazy Hair Day!


Sports Day

Mismatch Day

Taste of the Nation 2013

Cami walking the dogs with Daddy

Caleb loves his jumparoo

Friday, August 30, 2013

Caleb is 21 Weeks Old!

21 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 21 Weeks Old!
Age: 21 Weeks
Weight: 18 lbs 1 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months and 6-9 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

Caleb's sleep has taken another turn for the worse. I'm not even sure what his 'normal' is anymore. He slept through the night Friday, but was back up once a night again the next three days. Tuesday and Wednesday he decided to wake up TWICE both nights. This momma is getting tired!

On Thursday, Caleb had a Dr.'s appointment to get his 4 month vaccines. He's still been congested so the Dr. checked him out prior to the shots. The congestion in his lungs was completely gone (good news - no more nebulizer!) so he was given the green light for FOUR shots. Little man took them like a champ and was all smiles within minutes. As a result of the shots, Caleb slept all night last night.

Caleb is doing great with baby food. This week he enjoyed green beans and bananas. He definitely LOVED the bananas just like his sister. Tonight we'll be trying carrots and then peaches next week.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Caleb's First Haircut!

It was finally time...I couldn't bear it any longer! Caleb recieved his first haircut last night (August 27th) courtesy of daddy. We used hair clippers with a #8 comb (1 inch) and went to town! I must say it looks SOOO much better!

BEFORE - Lookin a Mess

BEFORE - The sides looked awful!

BEFORE - All combed and ready to cut!

AFTER - Happy boy!

AFTER - Looking handsome

Friday, August 23, 2013

Caleb is 20 Weeks Old!

20 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 20 Weeks Old!
Age: 20 Weeks
Weight: 18 lbs 5 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

This week we've had some good nights and some 'bad nights'. He slept through the night Friday but was up once a night thorugh the weekend and beginning of this week until he decided to sleep through again on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm not sure what the magic formula is to get him to sleep consistently through the night!

Caleb tried and enjoyed two new foods this week - pears and peas. Next up are green beans and peaches. So far he likes everything we've fed him! He is eating two 'meals' a day. He has a fruit with rice cereal at school and then a veggie with rice cereal or oatmeal at home around dinner time. He eats about two ounces per meal in addition to ~24ish ounces of breast milk.

We've still been using the nebulizer as Caleb is still a bit conested with a slight cough. I went ahead and pushed his vaccines out another week to be on the safe side. Hopefully he'll be much better by next Thursday!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cameron is 22 Months Old!

22 Months
Cameron Leigh is 22 Months Old!
Age: 22 Months
Weight: 33ish lbs
Clothing Size: 3T - 5T
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 5
Number of Teeth: 16 total - She got her last 2 canines this month
Favorite Foods: Bananas, Applesauce, Cheese, Yogurt
Favorite Toys: Books, Stuffed Animals, Shape Sorter

We are another month closer to Cameron's 2nd birthday! I can't believe she's almost 2!

This month Cameron finished her swim lessons. She passed her final test which simulated scenarios of her falling in the pool in full winter clothes: pants, long sleeves and tennis shoes. Now that she did that successfully she's moved on to maintenance lessons twice a week to maintain and perfect her skills. We took her to the pool a few times for practice and she does great. She really likes to swim between Bryan and I and between us and the steps. She'll be a fish before we know it!


Playing with stickers

Snacking on some goldfish

Friday, August 16, 2013

Caleb is 19 Weeks Old!

19 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 19 Weeks Old!
Age: 19 Weeks
Weight: 18 lbs 0 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

Well this week has been drastically different than last week! Starting Sunday night, little man decided to sleep through the night again! All Week he's slept about 10.5 hours a night. It's been glorious for my sanity! The only downside is he caughts a cold with a cough that started around the same time. My fear is the two are related and when the cold is gone, the sleep will go too.

Caleb had his 4 month well visit on Wednesday which was good timing with the new cold development. One listen from the nurse and she confirmed he's actually wheezing and will require nebulizer treatments. At least I already have the machine from Cameron... We started the treatments Wednesday and he seems to be doing fine.

Caleb's appetite has also decreased dramatically along with the cold and increased sleep. He hasn't finished a bottle in a single sitting all week and is eating just under 20 oz. a day (compared to 35 last week!). Sunday we started sweet potatoes and he LOVED them. By the second day he gobbled up 2 ounces. In the evening he gets fussy until he gets his 'dinner'...a liquid diet isn't cutting it anymore for this growing boy!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Caleb is 18 Weeks Old!

18 Weeks

Caleb Patrick is 18 Weeks Old!
Age: 18 Weeks
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

So on Satruday I tried two ounces of 'old' milk in Caleb's morning bottle and of course that night he proceed to wake up every three hours with HORRIBLE gas. Looks like this little man is going to remain dairy and soy intolerant for a while. Saturday was just the beginning of a rough, rough week. Caleb was up EVERY night at least once, if not twice. He was also eating a ton (averaging 35 oz a day!) so I believe it may be a growth spurt? Hopefully? Now that I'm only pumping, I can't keep up with that extreme amount so he had a bit of formula daily starting Tuesday. I probably had 40ish ounces of milk frozen but Caleb demolished that in just a few days.

Caleb seems to be eating pretty well too. He get's rice cereal at school around lunch time and then some more at home during dinner. On Wednesday we tried Oatmeal for the first time which he seems to like. I made him some sweet potatoes to try this week..

Also, as evidenced by the photo above, Caleb constantly has his hands in his mouth! He has a pretty bad rash on his cheeks from all the drool.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Caleb is 4 Months Old!

4 Months
Caleb Patrick is 4 Months Old!
Age: 4 Months
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz, 91%
Length: 26.0 in., 84%
Head Circumference: xx.xx in., xx%
Clothing Size: All 3-6 month clothes (Moving up soon)
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3

***Will update stats after appointment on 8/14/13

Friday, August 2, 2013

Caleb is 17 Weeks Old!

17 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 17 Weeks Old!
Age: 17 Weeks
Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

Oh Caleb....he's still getting up once a night. He takes a full feeding when he gets up so it seems to definitely be hunger driven. We had our follow up at the GI on Tuesday. She didn't have any concerns with him so gave us the go ahead to start cereal since he's eating so much. She said to go ahead and test Caleb with a form of dairy or soy to see how he acts. I mentioned the old frozen milk I had from before I eliminated the dairy and she agreed that would be a good start. This Saturday I'm going to give him a bottle with a few ounces of the 'old' milk to see his reaction.

On Wednesday I decided to start exclusive pumping and just feeding with bottles. Caleb was still not lying on his left side to nurse and was difficult to feed all weekend. He seems upset that he doesn't instantly get milk like with his bottles. Hopefully this change will relieve a little bit of stress on my part.