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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Baby # 2: 16 Weeks

Week 16: Avocado
"Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  16 Weeks
How big is baby: The length of an avocado.
Weight gain:  Up 1.4 pounds for a total of 9.8.
Maternity clothes:  Yep!
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  4 more weeks!
Movement:  Not yet.
Belly button:  In - although I have noticed it's slightly more shallow
What I miss:  Nothing yet
What I'm looking forward to:  Hearing baby's heartbeat tomorrow.
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:
I ran into an awkward man at work - the same one who made 'big baby' comments while I was pregnant with Cameron.
Awkward Guy: (notices baby bump) " long have you been back at work?  You've only been back 3 months right??"
Me: "I've been back a lot longer than that....."
AG: "Oh, are you pregnant??"

Later on he stops by my desk...
AG: "So I had the time frame off, huh?  How long have you been back?"
Me: "I've been back since January, my daughter just turned one."
AG: "Oh, so you've been back 8 months."
Me: "No, 10 months."
AG: "I would have thought you were done after that one."

What??? So weird....

The 16 week bump...

16 Weeks

16 Weeks

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