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Monday, July 30, 2012

Cameron is 41 Weeks Old!

41 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 41 Weeks Old!

Our little Cami is growing so fast!  She's definitely perfected her 'inch worm' crawl and has even taking a few 'real crawl' moves before plopping to her belly and pulling her self forward.  Last week she even pulled up on the couch to her knees...and then proceeded to belly flop.

Cami has also figured out how to get to a sitting position from her belly.  She will 'crawl' a couple of feet, sit up, look around and repeat.  She has also discovered how to clap her hands.  She likes to play along with patty cake.

Cami is now eating 3 solid meals a day.  She has breakfast and lunch at daycare and then dinner at home.  We've added a few new foods lately...spinach, cantaloupe, water melon, chicken and pasta.  She's getting pretty good at feeding herself...we just have to figure out the whole chew and swallow thing.

Cami also likes to imitate sounds we make...check out the video below of her playing with daddy.

Drinking and driving!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cameron is 40 Weeks Old!

Squirmy Cami + Poor Lighting = Blurry Picture!
Cameron Leigh is 40 Weeks Old!

After our rough Monday of pink eye and ear infections, Cami is feeling a lot better!  She still has a bit of a runny nose but she's not near as fussy as last weekend.

Lately I've been trying to get Cami to eat more finger foods herself.  It's been hit or miss.  Sometimes she'll eat a few bites and then fuss until I feed her.  She has no problem with Gerber puffs, it's the 'real' food she fusses about.  She'll get it eventually.  :)  We've started drink juice on a regular basis now as well, although she has yet to drink more than and ounce or so at a time.

Cami is still 'inch worming' around.  She's yet to do a real crawl yet but she's pushing up on all fours more and more.  Our new neighbor let us borrow her son's walker.  Cami can now move all around the house in that.  It's pretty cute to watch!
"Oh, Hello Mommy!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cameron is 9 Months Old!

9 Months - A Happy Girl
Cameron Leigh is 9 Months Old!
Age: 9 Months
Weight: 21 lbs 15.0 oz, 95%
Length: 29.0 in.,  95%
Head Circ: 17.38 in, 55%
Clothing Size: 6-9 month clothes are getting tight, wearing a mostly 9-12 month clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers size 3 during the day, Pampers Extra Protection size 3 at night.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cameron is 39 Weeks Old!

39 Weeks In, 39 Weeks Out
Cameron Leigh is 39 Weeks Old!

We had our 9 month well check up today...except it turned into a sick visit as well.  Cami has had a runny nose and slight cough for the past week and a half.  No big deal...just a small cold...I chalked it up to a new daycare and new germs.  This past weekend she got incredibly fussy.  She would start crying for no reason and the usual bottle, hug or nap didn't help. Cami's eyes were a bit red/swollen underneath and she had a tiny bit of 'sleep' in the corners of her eyes after sleeping.  Again...seemed normal of the cold she had, possibly even allergies.  

Well, less than two hours after I dropped her off at daycare this morning I got a call saying she had a lot of discharge coming from her eyes and they believed she had conjunctivitis aka 'pink eye.'  They let her stay since I already had a Dr.'s appointment scheduled this afternoon.  When I picked her up, it was obvious she had pink eye.  

We went to the Dr.'s office and Cami was acting her normal happy self.  Dr. Silverman came in for her exam and in addition to the pink eye, we discovered she had a double ear infection.  My poor baby. :(  This explains the waking and crying at night.  While we were waiting for the nurse to return, Cami was inconsolable.  Nothing I tried could help her crying.  I'm not used to an upset baby!  The nurse gave her two shots - more crying.  Next we went to the lab for a finger prick blood test.  By this time Cami stopped crying and barely blinked at the finger prick.  I guess her ears, eyes and leg from the shots hurt more she hardly noticed!

Besides the eye and ear infections, Cami was a healthy girl.  I'll save her stats for tomorrow's 9 month post.

We had a big development this week!  Cami can now 'army crawl' to get around.  She uses her forearms and pulls her little body across the floor.  It's really cute to watch.  She also gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. I have a feeling crawling is right around the corner!

Cami started interacting a lot with Kaylee this week.  She 'crawled' over to where Kaylee was laying and started pulling on her hair.  Kaylee didn't budge.  Another time Cami was playing with Kaylee's collar...she was fascinated by the dog tag.  Kaylee tolerated well it with a few licks.

Cami playing with Kaylee's 'necklace'.

Cami and Kaylee lounging around.

Check out my two teeth!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cameron is 38 Weeks Old!

38 Weeks

Cameron Leigh is 38 Weeks Old!
Age:  38 Weeks
Weight:  I think our weekly weigh in's are over.  She is just way too wiggly to balance on my little postal scale.  I'll still try and weigh her for her monthly updates.
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

Playing on the 4th

First Forth with Mommy!

Enjoying some broccoli at Macaroni Grill!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cameron is 37 Weeks Old!

37 Weeks - First picture in the new house!

Cameron Leigh is 37 Weeks Old!
Age:  37 Weeks
Weight:  Scale is packed in a box somewhere!
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

  • Spent the 3 days getting the house ready then spent 11.5 hours moving today.  Needless to say we're EXHAUSTED.
  • Cami promptly had a massive blowout within 10 minutes of being home for the first time.  I guess she just wanted to test out her new bath.
  • Cami started the new daycare today - she had no problems and was passed out when I went to pick her up.  Everyone there was super nice.
  • Tonight is our first night in the new house - looking forward to what the future holds!!