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Friday, November 29, 2013

Caleb is 34 Weeks Old!

34 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 34 Weeks Old!
Age: 34 Weeks
Weight: n/a
Clothing Size: Size 9-12 months and 12-18 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3 during the day and Size 4 at night
Feeding Schedule: 4 - 5 x's per day, ~21 oz.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Caleb is 33 Weeks Old!

33 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 33 Weeks Old!
Age: 33 Weeks
Weight: n/a
Clothing Size: Size 9-12 months and 12-18 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3 during the day and Size 4 at night
Feeding Schedule: 4 - 5 x's per day, ~24 oz.

Oh little man. We tried yogurt this past weekend to see if Caleb could handle dairy. He seemed fine during the day but then proceeded to get up at 11:30pm and 4:30am. At 4:30 he refused to go back to sleep in his crib, swing, etc. The ONLY place he would sleep was on my chest at an angle. No way to tell if it was related to the dairy or not but the only other time he acted like that was when he had corn a few weeks ago. We shall try it again in a few weeks and hope for a better outcome.

Caleb also got up randomly a few nights this week. He has been falling asleep before drinking his last bottle so I think he's waking out of hunger.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Caleb is 32 Weeks Old!

32 Weeks
 Caleb Patrick is 32 Weeks Old!
Age: 32 Weeks
Weight: n/a
Clothing Size: Officially outgrown all his 6-9 month clothes, now wearing size 9-12 months and 12-18 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3 during the day and Size 4 at night
Feeding Schedule: 4 - 5 x's per day, ~22 oz.

Hey look - he's not always happy and smiley!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Caleb is 31 Weeks Old!

31 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 31 Weeks Old!
Age: 31 Weeks
Weight: n/a
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9-12 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3 during the day and Size 4 at night
Feeding Schedule: 4 - 5 x's per day, ~22 oz.

I've found out another aspect of Caleb's sensitive skin. I have always used Aquaphor ointment for any redness in the diaper area. Caleb had some redness going on so I found an old cream I had (with zinc oxide) and decided to try that out. I also was out of ointment at school so I bought the cream version and they started using it their daily as well. Caleb's rash started getting worse and worse and turned into a swollen welted area everywhere the cream was used. He would SCREAM every diaper change when being wiped. We decided to switch back to the ointment and things got better rather quickly. So no more diaper cream for this little man!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Caleb is 7 Months Old!

7 Months
Caleb Patrick is 7 Months Old!
Age: 7 Months
Weight: n/a
Length: n/a
Head Circumference: n/a
Clothing Size: 6-9 month clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 3 and 4

Friday, November 1, 2013

Caleb is 30 Weeks Old!

30 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 30 Weeks Old!
Age: 30 Weeks
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and 9-12 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3 during the day and Size 4 at night
Feeding Schedule: 4 - 5 x's per day, ~17 oz.

Caleb has not been very interested in bottles this week. He is acting happy, but won't drink much more than 2 ounces at a time. It is quite frusterating. He is just showing more interested in food/cereal than bottles. Hopefully this will change as trying to get him to drink the Dr. recommended 16 oz. a day is such a battle! I took Caleb to the Dr. today to have his cheek checked out. He's had a red, circular outlined dry area off and on for many months now. We always chalked it up to a drool rash but it looks a lot like ring worm and some of the teachers at school were asking about it.. When I took him to the Dr. Caleb put on the perfect pose for him - fingers in mouth. It was actually quite funny because you could easily see the rash was an exact outline of his pointer finger. Basically with Caleb's sensitive skin, we will probably be battling this rash for as long as he sucks his fingers...