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Monday, April 30, 2012

Cameron is 28 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 28 Weeks Old!
Age:  28 Weeks
Weight:  18 lbs 8.1 oz
Clothing Size:  6-9 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2 during the day and size 3 at night

What a long week for us!  We left early Wednesday morning for vacation in North Carolina.  I'll do a separate post with a recap and pictures from our trip.  Cami was great the whole week!  We survived two ten hour drives and she continued to sleep through the night...even in a pack n play in the closet.  We had a blast hanging out with our friends Jason and Emily as well as their daughter Alexa who is three days older than Cami.

On Friday Cami started getting constipated.  I became concerned on Saturday when she was still having hard bowel movements.  TMI, I'm sorry.  We stopped on the way to dinner for some prune juice and Cami enjoyed a 4 oz bottle of half juice half water.  I thought I would see results soon but still NOTHING by the next morning - Sunday.  I gave her another 4 oz bottle Sunday morning and where there was still no change - she got a third Sunday afternoon.  She finally passed two, but the condition was still the same.  I felt so bad for Cami because I could tell she was in pain and she'd cry for a good 20 minutes until it passed. Her stomach was quite big and bloated.  Bryan and I were hoping she'd get back to normal at daycare today because she goes there everyday without fail.  Well, we were right.  When I picked her up she was in a different outfit as a result of a huge up the back blowout!  She seems to be feeling much better.

While we were in NC we had a LOT of floor time with Cami.  We worked on tummy time, a little bit of rolling as well as sitting.  She can sit unassisted for about 10 seconds when she's playing with a toy in front of her.  Bryan and I are going to try and make it a point to work on sitting with her every day after work.
First time in a big girl swing!

Baby Wranglers from Auntie Kelly

Cami's favorite sleeping position.

Visit with Great Grandma on the way to North Carolina
Cami enjoying the Johnny Jumper in NC

Cami in the Big Girl Swing in NC

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cameron is 27 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 27 Weeks Old!
Age:  27 Weeks
Weight:  18 lbs 0.2 oz
Clothing Size:  6-9 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2 during the day and size 3 at night

Cami handled her shots like a champ on Tuesday!  She was pretty fussy during the appointment and I ended up starting to feed her while we waited for the nurse to bring the shots in.  Once she got all 4 shots, she cried for less than a minute and then fussed until we finished her bottle.  After that she acted normal. On the way home Cami fell asleep and proceeded to take a long nap.

Cami was perfectly healthy.  Dr. SIlverman said her bottom two teeth are close to breaking through.  Hopefully they will come through soon without too much fussing.  The Dr. also said we need to work on Cami's rolling since she's not doing it consistently yet.  We tried a lot last week to spend more time on her back and belly after work, but Cami is really content just being on her back.  If she's on her tummy, she will quickly roll to her back and then be more than happy just hanging out there.  We've definitely seen her roll to her tummy but only a handful of times.

In my mommy's group this month Heather hosted a family BBQ vs. just a mom and baby playdate.  It was fun to meet all the dad's and hang out as a big group.  No one was sick either so everyone could make it!  That's a rare occasion.

We had a funny incident this weekend while we were out to dinner.  I had Cami in her car seat next to me in the booth.  I all of a sudden looked over and there was poop EVERYWHERE.  It was coming out of her onesie and definitely was on the car seat.  I strategically picked Cami up and ran to the bathroom leaving the car seat for Bryan to clean.  Well, her onesie was unwearable at this point....and I of course did not have an extra outfit.  I improvised with the blanket I had and Cami wore her toga for the rest of the evening with pride.  It was quite funny.  We nicknamed her 'toga baby' for the night.

This Wednesday we are driving up to North Carolina to enjoy a long weekend in the mountains.  Our friends Jason and Emily from Myrtle Beach are meeting us with their daughter Alexa who is 3 days older than Cami.  I'm excited to see them again and to see the girls together.

Everyone at Heather's Family BBQ

Cami Chillin at the BBQ

Silly Cami

Cami have a blast in the jumparoo!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cameron is 6 Months Old!

Cameron Leigh is 6 Months Old!
Age: 6 Months
Weight: 17 lbs 7 oz, ~75%
Length: 26.5 in.,  ~75%
Head Circ: 16.75 in, ~65%
Clothing Size: Moving up to 6-9 month clothes this week!
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers are her favorite.  We're wearing size 2 during the day and size 3 at night.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cameron is 26 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 26 Weeks Old!
Age:  26 Weeks
Weight:  17 lbs 10.2 oz
Clothing Size:  3-6 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2 during the day and size 3 at night

I ordered size 3 diapers for Cami to wear at night.  She wasn't leaking out of the 2's but was definitely filling them up!  I figure it might keep her a bit drier through the night  and prevent any future leaking issues.  She still fits fine in the 2's for day use.

Speaking of night time - Cami is still sleeping quite well.  ::Continue to knock on wood::  Lately she hasn't even done her middle of the night wake and play routine.  Cami loves to sleep on her side in a 'V' shape.  This weekend she was fussing and wiggling around before falling asleep and wound up on her stomach a few times.  This shouldn't be a big deal because she is a pro rolling from her stomach to back - however she only likes to roll one direction (although I have seen her roll the other way!).  This becomes an issue when she's wedged against the side of the crib and can't roll to her favorite side.  Cue bloody murder screams and an infant stuck on her stomach.  It was hard not to laugh....  After a big of soothing and being placed on her back, everything was ok.  She'll figure it out eventually.

This morning she was in the middle of her crib and managed to roll onto her stomach when I turned the lights on.  She just looked up at me full of smiles and rolled to her back.  She's so darn cute in the morning.

I washed all of Cami's 6-9 month clothes and they're hanging in her closet ready to wear!  I even dressed her in a cute romper this morning.  It's bittersweet moving up clothing sizes - I love having a whole new wardrobe to dress her in however it means I have to acknowledge that she's getting bigger!

Tomorrow Cami will be 6 months old!  I can't believe it's already been half a year since her birthday.  We have an appointment to get her next set of vaccines.  Hopefully it goes as well as her 2 and 4 months shots went.

Cami is STILL quite stuffy and yesterday she actually spiked a fever.  She felt warm so I took her temp and it was 100.2.  I gave her some Tylenol, a bottle and then tried to get her to nap.  45 minutes later she wouldn't go to sleep and felt even warmer.  I took her temp again and it was 101.2.  We decided to try and get her to nap in the swing (it was 3:15 and she had yet to nap ALL day) and then reevaluate from there.  She finally fell asleep at 3:30 and stayed that way until we woke her at 5:30.  Her fever was gone and she was happy and smiley.  Hopefully it was just a fluke!

Cami also got her first diaper rash this week.  It first appeared on Wednesday but with care it was gone by Sunday.  Luckily it was a very small spot.

Lately Cami has really been enjoying her jumparoo (check out the video below).  She can easily stay entertained in it for almost an hour.  It's been great.  :)

Rockin Out at Wildside BBQ
Some Cute Cami Giggles

Finally figured out how to jump!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cameron is 25 Weeks Old!

Cameron Leigh is 25 Weeks Old!
Age:  25 Weeks
Weight:  17 lbs 4.5 oz
Clothing Size:  3-6 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2

Cameron's sleep has improved a lot lately!  ::KNOCK ON WOOD::  I decided to not get up in the middle of the night unless she was all out crying and clearly upset.  She wakes up about once a night and makes noises and plays around for about 20 minutes but never actually cries.  She eventually puts herself back to sleep.  Also, whenever we put her to sleep at night she goes into the crib awake and then takes about 20 minutes to put herself asleep.  I'm glad she seems to have learned how to self soothe.  The funny thing is, she will almost always turn 180 degrees thorughout the night.  Cami loves to sleep on her side.

Cami's naps are not very predictable.  Ideally she needs two naps - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Typically during the week she'll average about 2 hours between the two naps, one longer one and one shorter one.  It's been a struggle to get her to nap at home.  On Saturday we tried to do a morning nap, but that resulted in Cami just playing in her crib for 45 minutes.  At least she was happy!  On Sunday, she played for about 30 minutes before falling asleep.  She took her longest nap to date for us - 1 hours and 45 minutes.  The timing was ironic since we had guests over for Easter who were eager to see her.

We had a nice Easter this past weekend.  Cami was pretty good and seemed to enjoy all the extra attention.

Cami playing with daddy.
Cami eyeing daddy.
Our family on Easter

Cami and Mommy on Easter

Cami's bath shenanigans.  This is a tame version!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cameron is 24 Weeks Old

Cameron Leigh is 24 Weeks Old!
Age:  24 Weeks
Weight:  16 lbs 14.4 oz
Clothing Size:  3-6 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2

Solids are going very well for Cami!  She enjoyed her bananas last week and we plan to try peas this week.  Hopefully she'll like them more than I do!  We tried a new multi grain cereal last night which seemed to like just as much as oatmeal.

Cami is still transitioning to formula.  Right now she still gets mixed bottles - but by the end of the week should be getting all formula at daycare.  I'll be mixing formula and breastmilk at home until I empty my freezer.

Cami gained more weight than usual over the past week.  I think she may of had a mini growth spurt because she was extra cranky this week and wanting an extra bottle in the evenings.  The first night of this was Friday while my mom was babysitting.  She proceeded to get up THREE times during the night.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday she reverted back to waking up after 2-3 hours of sleep.  On Saturday and Sunday she was screaming and quite upset.  It was hard to even get her to eat and she was NOT having being laid on her back.  We had to use the swing again to get her to go back to sleep.  Once she was down though I didn't need to feed her again until morning.  Last night, however she woke up twice coughing - I heard her on the monitor.  Luckily she put herself back to sleep so I didn't have to get up.

Her congestion has been worse this weekend so I'm not sure if that has something to do with the early night wakings and not wanting to lay on her back.  I just hope she doesn't get another ear infection.

Last night Cami was LOVING bath time.  She was splashing and moving all over the place.  It was too cute.  She has also been very into her toys lately - she grabs them, shakes them all over the place and even throws them.

Still Loving Her Feet