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Monday, September 30, 2013

September 2013

Cruisin in the Jeep

Rocking Mommy's Sunglasses

Caleb Jumping!

Playground Fun

Beach Day at NSB

Beach Day at NSB

Beach Day at NSB

Little Man

Cameron reading to Caleb

Sitting in his big boy chair

Afternoon Walk

Food Tuck Friday

Happy despite having Croup

Silly Boy

Friday, September 27, 2013

Caleb is 25 Weeks Old!

25 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 25 Weeks Old!
Age: 25 Weeks
Weight: 19 lbs 12 oz
Clothing Size: 6-9 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 5 - 6 x's per day

Another pretty good week for Caleb! He woke up Saturday and Sunday night but the rest of the week he slept all night until his 6 am wake up call. He's been putting himself to sleep pretty easily for both naps and night time.

Not much has changed in Caleb's feeding schedule - still taking 5-6 bottles averaging around 24 oz. for the day. He's on formula full time now and taking some up to 6 oz. at a time.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Caleb is 24 Weeks Old!

24 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 24 Weeks Old!
Age: 24 Weeks
Weight: 19 lbs 8 oz
Clothing Size: a few 3-6 months but mostly 6-9 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 5 - 6 x's per day

It's been a GREAT week for Caleb! He's slept all the way through the night with the exception of Sunday where he got up once after an 8 hour stretch. Caleb is going to bed between 7:15 and 7:45 and for the most part sleeps until I wake him at 6:00 am (on work days).

Caleb took his long naps in his crib this weekend for the first time ever as well. We got a 2+ hour stretch both Saturday and Sunday at the same time as Cameron's nap time. He went down in his crib awak, fussed for a bit then put himself to sleep. He easily rolls back and forth from tummy to back to tummy which I believe has helped him sleep better.

Food continues to go well for Caleb. He now has cereal for breakfast, fruit and cereal for lunch and a veggie and cereal for dinner. He typically takes 5 bottles averaging 22-24 oz. for the day.

I'm down to pumping only twice a day and hope to pretty much be done by the beginnin gof next week. Caleb gets mixed bottles of breastmilk and formula right now - 3 oz milk to 1-2 oz. formula. Next week I'll decrease the milk ration to 2 oz. while I clear out the freezer then he'll be 100% on formula!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cameron is 23 Months Old!

23 Months
Cameron Leigh is 23 Months Old!
Age: 23 Months
Weight: 33ish lbs
Clothing Size: 3T - 5T
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 5
Number of Teeth: 16 total
Favorite Foods: CHEESE
Favorite Toys: Books, Blocks, Minnie Mouse, Baby Doll

Cameron is still being Cameron. Apparently her teachers at school call her a diva. Not sure what warranted that but it's pretty funny. She can definitely be very stubborn when she knows what she wants...or at least what she doesn't want.

Her all time favorite food at the moment is cheese. She asks for it non stop at all times of the day. If she had her way she'd eat cheese sticks for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Just a month left until Cameron's 2nd birthday! Time to start the party planning. :)

23 Months

23 Months

Friday, September 13, 2013

Caleb is 23 Weeks Old!

23 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 23 Weeks Old!
Age: 23 Weeks
Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months and 6-9 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 5 - 7 x's per day

It looks like tummy sleeping may have been the answer! Most nights Caleb slept through the night, I think he got up once a night two times last week. He went back to sleep fairly easily with a bottle - no swing necessary! I'm happy that he's now sleeping IN his crib vs. next to it in his rocker. He can also easily roll back and forth from back to tummy and tummy to back. I think he woke up and fussed every night, but was typically able to put himself back to sleep.

We tried prunes this week and have finally made it through all the variety food I have. Caleb is eating one serving (3 - 4 oz.) of fruit with cereal around lunch time and a half to one serving of veggies and cereal at dinner time. He also averages about 6 bottles a day totaling around 24 oz.

I decided today that I've pretty much reached my sanity limit for pumping. I started the formula transition process this morning and will be cutting back on the amount/time I pump. I've finally had enough of waking at 5am on the weekends to pump and staying up 'late' to pump again. I also would really like some cheese. And some chocolate. And just to eat NORMAL again. No more "I can't have that." Hopefully Caleb tolerates the (really expensive, hypo allergenic) formula well.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Caleb is 22 Weeks Old!

22 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 22 Weeks Old!
Age: 22 Weeks
Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz
Clothing Size: 3-6 months and 6-9 months
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers Size 3
Feeding Schedule: 6 - 8 x's per day

Caleb's sleep continued to be pretty crappy all week - he would wake and eat twice a night. On Monday (Labor Day Holiday) he was fairly fussy and both Sunday and Monday night he was difficult to get to sleep. In addition to the fussiness, he had a fever both Friday and Saturday. I originally attibuted the fever to shots but it got up to 102.8 on Saturday so I thought something might be up. I made him an appointment for Tuesday after work and my gut was right - Caleb had his first ear infection. We were given a Rx for antibiotics and he seems to be feeling better.

At daycare on Thursday, Caleb's teachers mentioned he'd been napping really well in his crib...on his TUMMY. I decided maybe they were on to something so went ahead and stuck him on his tummy at bedtime Thursday night. He fussed a minute or two, then found his fingers to suck and passed out. He then proceed to sleep ALL night - 10.5 hours. Amazing! We'll see if this was another of his one time flukes or if tummy sleeping was the secret to sleeping through the night.

Caleb is still doing very well with baby food. We tried butternut squash this week and will be adding prunes next week.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Caleb is 5 Months Old!

5 Months
Caleb Patrick is 5 Months Old!
Age: 5 Months
Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz, 86%
Clothing Size: The 3-6 month are getting snug so we're breaking out some 6-9 month clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 3