Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 28, 2011

10 Weeks

Baby is now the size of a prune!

"With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)"

Weekly Survey

How far along:
10 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a prune or a kumquat
Weight gain: No change from last week - 2.5 pounds total
Stretch marks: None
Maternity clothes: Not yet, although some pants are getting a little more snug!
Sleep: Averaging getting up once a night; woke up in the middle of the night with a head ached
Best moment this week: Hitting double digits!
Food cravings: Bread and Ranch. I ordered a salad with Ranch this week and also ordered some Ranch to dip my pizza in this weekend. SO GOOD.
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloat
Exercise: Dog Walking, Volleyball
Gender: No Clue
Movement: Not Yet
Belly button: In
What I miss: Coffee this week - although I did have some decaf.
Labor signs: No Way
What I'm looking forward to: Going public...2 more weeks!
Milestones: Nothing major this week.

The Week 10 Bump!

Monday, March 21, 2011

9 Weeks

Baby is now the size of a green olive!

"Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!"

Weekly Survey

How far along:
9 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a medium green olive or a grape
Weight gain: I actually weighed myself this time....I'm up about 2.5 pounds but I think part of that is due to bloat...
Stretch marks: None
Maternity clothes: No
Sleep: Sleeping is going well
Best moment this week: It made me smile when Bryan said he'd be excited for either a boy or a girl.
Food cravings: CARBS! Especially bread.
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloat
Exercise: Dog Walking, Volleyball
Gender: No Clue
Movement: Not Yet
Belly button: In
What I miss: Hot Yoga
Labor signs: No Way
What I'm looking forward to: Going public...3 more weeks!
Milestones: Nothing major this week.

The Week 9 Bump!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Energy Fail

Whew! This lack of energy is no joke! Some days I feel ok, and some days I am completely drained! Yesterday I had big plans to run and cook dinner. The run DEFINITELY was no happening as I'm pretty sure I slept the whole way home from work. (Sorry Bryan) I also had completely planned: lemon Dijon mahi mahi, baked potatoes and broccoli. Once we got home, I could not bring myself to cook and going out just sounded SO much better. I talked Bryan into Viet Garden for summer rolls and pho. At least it was cheap! :)

Over the weekend, I attempted to go out for a nice run. I got all ready, the weather was nice and off I went. At about half a mile I decided there was no way I would make it 2.5 miles and looped back home (walking). I grabbed the dogs and headed out on another loop for a total of 2 miles. I managed to redeem my failed run with a successful 2.8 miler on Sunday. Otherwise I've done no activity since then!

Tonight I'm subbing for Bryan's volleyball team again. It's the last two games of the season. We play at 6:30 and if we win, we play again for the championship at 8:30. Naturally all I can think about is when the heck am I going to eat dinner? We decided if we win, we'll run down the street to Jason's Deli for a quick meal, otherwise we can hit up Smokey Bones and visit our favorite waitress Bri.

Tomorrow's St. Patrick's Day! We're having a pot luck dinner at our house that I'm looking forward to.

Monday, March 14, 2011

8 Weeks

Baby is now the size of a raspberry!

"Your baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy."

Weekly Survey

How far along:
8 Weeks (Officially!)
How big is baby: The size of a raspberry!
Weight gain: Maybe half a pound?
Stretch marks: Nope
Maternity clothes: No
Sleep: Slept pretty well last week!
Best moment this week: Seeing the little one at our ultrasound.
Food cravings: Chocolate, but that's pretty normal for me. :)
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloat, Constipated
Exercise: Running, Volleyball
Gender: No Idea
Movement: Not Yet
Belly button: In
What I miss: My Energy
Labor signs: No Way
What I'm looking forward to: Hmm...I guess just trying to stay healthy and active! My next appoint isn't for another 4 weeks. :(
Milestones: Saw the baby and their heart beating.

And....the Week 8 Bump!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This morning was my appointment for our dating ultrasound. We slept in, made breakfast at home and headed up to Winter Park for our 8am appointment.

The ultrasound was different than I expected as they did it internally vs. externally on my stomach. Bryan sat in the room as well. They had a monitor up above where we could watch the whole process. The ultrasound tech paused the image and explained which part was the head, etc. It honestly just looks like a blob right now but we could definitely see the flicker of the heart beat!

The baby measured 1.24 cm with a heart rate of 150 bpm. Nice and strong. The baby also measured 7 weeks and 3 days, 2 days older than I thought! I think he's just strong, healthy and growing fast. :) It was pretty awesome to see the baby and helps the whole pregnancy feel a bit more real. I also feel a bit relieved to know that everything is developing as planned.

After the ultrasound, we reviewed the results with the Nurse, Carolyn Weinstein. We also went over my blood work from last week's visit. Everything came back great. My TSH was 1.552, which is 0.44 higher than January before I was pregnant. My PCP wants to check it every 6 weeks while I'm pregnant so I'll probably try and get him to test it in the next few weeks.

And now, we have an accurate OFFICIAL due date of October 24th, 2011! So exciting!

Here are the pictures we received from the ultrasound:

When talking with the nurse, we also discussed having the NT Scan and blood work done. We agreed we wanted to go ahead and do this. She said someone would be in contact with me to schedule the appointment.

This afternoon, I got a call and was able to schedule the appointment at my 12 week mark. I can't wait to see how much the baby has grown by then! We also have the followup appointment scheduled for two weeks later. All of those details are in the right hand column.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today is the first day of Lent and Bryan and I have made our final decisions of what we're giving up. Bryan will be refraining from ALL carbonated non-alcoholic beverages. This includes all soda and sparkling water but he can still enjoy his beer.

I am giving up alcohol (ha!) and fried foods. Fried foods is tough because chips fall into that category. I've been enjoying a few fried things here and there more often lately, so this will be a good way to cut back.

I tried to convince Bryan to give up alcohol with me, but he equated it to me giving up sweets. I don't think I could do that!

So wish us luck for the next 40 days!

7 Weeks

Baby is now the size of a blueberry!

"Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place."

Weekly Survey

How far along:
Weeks (by my calculations)
How big is baby: The size of a blueberry!
Weight gain: I hope not yet...
Stretch marks: Nope
Maternity clothes: Not Quite
Sleep: It's pretty much the norm to have to get up to pee at least once during the night. I had a few nights this week where I woke up around 4am and tossed and turned for a good hour.
Best moment this week: Feeling lucky that I have no nausea.
Food cravings: Nothing particular, just hungry!
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloat, Constipated
Exercise: Running, Volleyball
Gender: No Idea
Movement: Not Yet
Belly button: In
What I miss: A glass of wine would have been nice on date night!
Labor signs: No Way
What I'm looking forward to: My ultrasound tomorrow and having and OFFICIAL due date!
Milestones: Nothing major last week.

And....the Week 7 Bump!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Uneventful Sunday

The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful. Saturday I cleaned the house while Bryan did yard work. We enjoyed a date night dinner and a movie. Dinner was at Logan's Bistro, which is ALWAYS good. For the first time, they had prime rib on the menu. Bryan LOVED it, it was delicious. After dinner we got some froyo at YogurtLand for dessert then saw The Adjustment Bureau at Winter Park Village. The movie was good, but probably not something I'd see again.

On Sunday we moved a ton of stuff to the attic that was floating around the spare bedrooms, including almost 10 pillows. How in the world did we end up with so many extra pillows??? In the afternoon I ran 3.78 miles. My longest run in a long time but I survived! I watch my heart rate and walk when I need a break.

Last night we went to a Yelp Elite event that Bryan was invited to. We were able to sample the new menu debuting at Park Plaza Gardens on April 1st. Everything was delicious! They also had all the wine you could drink where Bryan consumed his fair share. The party had a bow ties and hat theme. Check out Bryan's outfit:

He borrowed the accessories from Andrew and Corey and ended up winning first place! The prize bag was awesome with 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of a Mojito vodka mix and tons of other goodies. Not too bad!

This morning I had a dentist appointment. I was nervous because I forgot to ask last week if dental X-Ray's are 'ok'. From what I've read, they're pretty low radiation and you should be fine as long as you wear the lead vest. Luckily I had the bite wings done in September so I didn't need them today. Phew!

I'm looking forward to dinner tonight. Bryan's grilling filet mignon and I'm making oven baked fries! MMmmmm.

See you tomorrow for my 7 week update and the details of what we're giving up for Lent!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two Friday's

Virtual Friday (aka Thursday) wasn't too eventful. We went to our weekly trivia at Smokey Bones and had a big group - 8 total. This kinda led to too many opinions and not enough people paying attention so we didn't do very well. Afterwards, Amber had a gift for me.

How cute are these?!?

I loved them!

We were off Friday and started the morning by cleaning out the spare bedroom where the boxes of furniture currently resides. I started a big garbage bag and just kept adding to it. After a bit we had a full garbage bag and three boxes of empty beer bottles (Bryan's college collection) all ready to be disposed us.

We had lunch out and relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Before getting ready for dinner I went out for a 2.90 mile run. I tried to extend my route some. I haven't been to yoga in almost two weeks. :( It scares me a bit at the moment, but I need to email the instructor and ask her thoughts on continuing classes - at least thorugh March.

For dinner we tried a new wing place. I ordered a turkey sandwich which was pretty bad but the fried pickle appetizer held me over. We watched half the Magic Game and then came home to see the end. Too bad they lost!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Appointment

The first appointment wasn't too exciting. I knew it wouldn't be though. Bryan came with me to hear all the information. After I checked in, I immediately gave my urine sample, was weighed and had my blood pressure taken. Then we waited in the waiting room for 45 minutes before we were even called back. Ugh.

Once we were back we went through the extensive paperwork side of things as well as family history with a nurse. When she was done, we were taken to an exam room where the nurse practitioner met us a few minutes later. She went over more family history,etc.

The most exciting part was when she told me my estimated due date (October 13th based on my last period) I told her that I had charted and I believe I ovulated on cycle day 28 (vs. the 'normal' day 14). She immediately said, ok well then we'll have you come in next week to do an ultrasound to determine you due date. YES! I was and still am ecstatic.

We asked our few questoins, Bryan left the room and we did the normal annual exam. Always fun. My last step was to the lab for blood work. They took 4 vials and I was on my way.

After work, Bryan got a call from a couple we met on our last cruise - Emily and Jason. We had a lot of fun with them in Europe. On the vacation we had all admitted that we were taking that vacation as a 'last hurrah' before trying to have a baby. As it turns out, they found our Emily was pregnant a few weeks before we did. We chatted with them a bit - their little on is due October 7th so we're just under three weeks apart. I think it's awesome that we both got pregnant the same month. It will be nice to have someone to talk to who's going through the same thing.

Last night we had a volleyball game at 7:15. I was filling in this week. Before the game, we stopped at Lake Underhill Park for a run around the lake. I ran 2.16 while Bryan probably completed around 2.6. After all the activity we went the Smokey Bones for dinner then headed straight home for bed. I was exhausted!

Today's our virtual Friday so the weekend starts tomorrow! Woohoo!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

6 Weeks

We have a baby Sweet Pea!

"Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate."

Weekly Survey
How far along:
6 Weeks (by my calculations)
How big is baby: The size of a sweet pea!
Weight gain: If any - it's due to being bloated!
Stretch marks: No Thanks
Maternity clothes: Not Quite
Sleep: Been pretty good with the exception of having to pee in the middle of the night almost every night.
Best moment this week: Sharing the news with our families and close friends.
Food cravings: Nothing particular, just hungry!
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, Bloat, Constipated
Exercise: Running, Yoga
Gender: No Idea
Movement: Not Yet
Belly button: In
What I miss: A good cold beer!
Labor signs: No Way
What I'm looking forward to: Early ultrasound next week! :)
Milestones: Telling family and first prenatal appointment

And, I got Bryan to take my 'bump' pictures this morning! I like the morning better because there is definitely less bloat.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nursery Furniture

In January there was this beautiful crib and dresser/changer set at Costco that I would drool over, however we couldn't quite justify buying baby furniture without a baby on the way. The week we found out we were pregnant we looked at Costco and it was no longer in stock. We told the story to our mom's and the next day my mom called and said she wanted to buy the nursery furniture for us. Of course I was thrilled at such a nice gesture. I had debated calling around to different Costco's but decided to wait because, well we have plenty of time to find the perfect furniture.

As I was browsing through this Sunday's papers, I noticed there was a very nice crib on sale at Target - regular price $249.99 on sale for $179.99. Now that's a deal. It was the color and style I had been eyeing. I looked it up online and the set also had a dresser, changing table and glider chair with ottoman. I love the convertible style crib because it can start as a crib and become a toddler bed, daybed and finally a full size bed with head board and foot board. So many uses!

Here's a picture of the whole set from
I called my mom Sunday night and told her I liked that furniture and she offered to meet us up at Target Monday after work to make the big purchase! We stopped at the store by Millenia mall and got everything but the dresser. After dinner we venture over to the Sodo store on our side of town and picked up the final piece. I can't believe I'm less than 6 weeks pregnant and we have our full set of furniture for the nursery.

Here's what our spare bedroom looks like now with the stock pile of furniture:
Everything will stay in boxes until the room is re-done. More on those plans another time!

When we got home from our after work Target trip, we unloaded the car and then changed for a run. I ran a different route for 2.36 miles, taking it easy since I just ran the day before. I got home probably a good 7 minutes after Bryan as he was getting ready to wash his car.

I went to the back porch to stretch and watch the dogs play. Well, they got a bit rowdy and Brady tackled Kaylee into a huge pile of dirt. And just like that, I had to give them baths. By the time we were both done it was 6:15 and I hadn't even started dinner. I suggested going out for pho as it's cheap and quick. We enjoyed a yummy dinner and came home just in time to catch The Bachelor!