Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baby #2: 17 Weeks

Week 17: Onion
"Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  17 Weeks
How big is baby: The length of an onion.
Weight gain:  No change - total of 9.8 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Yep!
Sleep:  Been good lately.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  3 more weeks!  Although a lot of my friends having babies between November and April are having boys - seems to be the year of the boy!
Movement:  Not yet.  Sometimes I think I feel a few flutters but I'm not 100% sure.
Belly button:  In - although I have noticed it's slightly more shallow
What I miss:  Nothing major
What I'm looking forward to:  Hearing baby's heartbeat tomorrow.
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week: None

The 17 week bump...
17 Weeks

17 Weeks

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Baby # 2: 16 Weeks

Week 16: Avocado
"Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  16 Weeks
How big is baby: The length of an avocado.
Weight gain:  Up 1.4 pounds for a total of 9.8.
Maternity clothes:  Yep!
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  4 more weeks!
Movement:  Not yet.
Belly button:  In - although I have noticed it's slightly more shallow
What I miss:  Nothing yet
What I'm looking forward to:  Hearing baby's heartbeat tomorrow.
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:
I ran into an awkward man at work - the same one who made 'big baby' comments while I was pregnant with Cameron.
Awkward Guy: (notices baby bump) " long have you been back at work?  You've only been back 3 months right??"
Me: "I've been back a lot longer than that....."
AG: "Oh, are you pregnant??"

Later on he stops by my desk...
AG: "So I had the time frame off, huh?  How long have you been back?"
Me: "I've been back since January, my daughter just turned one."
AG: "Oh, so you've been back 8 months."
Me: "No, 10 months."
AG: "I would have thought you were done after that one."

What??? So weird....

The 16 week bump...

16 Weeks

16 Weeks

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happy First Birthday Cameron!

Today we celebrated Cameron's FIRST birthday!  We woke her up singing "Happy Birthday" and dressed her in a cute cupcake dress.  We took some picture of her with her new big girl chair and off to school we went.

Bryan and I picked Cami up from school a few hours early and her friends at school made her a birthday sign that they all signed with their hand cute.  We came home and played some before Cami took a nice long nap.

When Cami woke up she was in a good mood and we got her ready for dinner and then her very first CUPCAKE!  She dove right in to the cupcake and loved the icing...that's all she really ate.  Cami definitely managed to make a huge mess but it was fun to watch.  I just hope she's as into her cake at her birthday party as she was tonight.  We finished the night with a bath and more play time before bed.  All in all I think her birthday was a success and she had fun!

The birthday girl in her new chair.

The birthday girl with mommy.

The birthday girl with daddy.

Mail for the birthday girl!

Cami playing in a box.

Reading in her new chair.

Birthday Dinner: Peas and Macaroni and Cheese

What is this?

Mmm...kind of tastes good!

Oh yes...I think I like this!



Dig in!

This is good!

I'll share!

That was FUN!

Baby #2: 15 Weeks

Week 15: Orange
"Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  15 Weeks
How big is baby: The length of an orange.
Weight gain:  Up 2.2 pounds for a total of 8.4.
Maternity clothes:  Yep!
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  5 more weeks!
Movement:  Not yet.
Belly button:  In
What I miss:  Nothing yet
What I'm looking forward to:  Celebrating Cami's birthday this afternoon.
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:  More and more people are starting to notice I'm pregnant but are a bit worried about asking me.  It's kind of funny.

The 15 week bump...

15 Weeks

15 Weeks

Cameron is 12 Months Old!

12 Months
Cameron Leigh is 12 Months Old!
Age: 12 Months
Weight: 25 lbs 13 oz.    > 98%
Length: 31 1/2 inches     > 98%
Head Circ: 17 7/8 inches   ~ 75%
Clothing Size: All 12 - 18 month clothes.
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 4

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cameron is 52 Weeks Old!

52 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 52 Weeks Old!

This is the LAST weekly update for Cameron and she's been busy this week!  She stands every free moment she gets, holding on to anything and everything.  She even started standing by her self with grabbing anything.  On Saturday we were even able to get her to walk around with her toy walker (video below).  No steps on her own yet.

Also, I got Cami a new sippy cup that is taller like a bottle.  I decided on Saturday to continually offer that in place of her bottles.  So far so good!  She hasn't had a bottle since a brief 5 am wake up Saturday morning.

We've also been slowly transitioning to whole milk.  Last week all her bottles were 4 oz. formula and 2 oz. milk.  This week she's drinking 2 oz. formula and 4 oz. milk.  Next week she should be ready for all milk!  Once we get there, I won't have to pack her drinks for daycare anymore as they provide whole milk.

This Wednesday is the big day!  We don't really have any major plans though, just a jumbo cupcake for the birthday girl.  We'll celebrate more at her party at the end of the month.

Bed Head!

Watching daddy come up the stairs.

Checking out her walker.


Beautiful eyes and lovely long eyelashes!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Baby #2: 14 Weeks

Week 14: Lemon
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

Weekly Survey

How far along:  14 Weeks
How big is baby: The length of a lemon
Weight gain:  Up 0.6 lbs for a total gain of 6.2 pounds
Maternity clothes:  Still wearing some not maternity shirts
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  Carbs
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  Cami's birthday NEXT week!
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 14 week bump...
14 Weeks

14 Weeks

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cameron is 51 Weeks Old!

51 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 51 Weeks Old!

Well last week I wrote that Cami only liked standing while holding on to either Bryan or myself.  Now, she's standing on almost everything!  She can pull herself up on the coffee table, couch, side table, kitchen drawers, refrigerator, dog bowl stand, doors, etc.  She's much more independent and less needy now that she can practice her new skill everywhere.  She can bend over and pick up toys while holding on with one hand and has even taken a few steps (while holding on).  She's let go a few times but immediately sits down.

Cami also got a new tooth this week - her top middle right one came through today!  I'm sure the one to the side of it will come in soon as well.  Right now she has a total of 5 teeth.

Cami's first sushi!

Cami and the Tissue
I gave Cami a tissue to entertain herself with.  She would rip it in half, throw it up, laugh and repeat.  She managed to get a piece stuck on her head and her chin.  It was too cute to watch.  She managed to stay entertained for 10 minutes and rip the tissue into a million pieces.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby #2: 13 Weeks

Week 13: Peach
Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)

Weekly Survey

How far along:  13 Weeks
How big is baby: The size of a peach
Weight gain:  Up 1.4 lbs for a total gain of 5.6 pounds
Maternity clothes:  Brought out the maternity shirts this week!
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  Carbs
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  None
Exercise:  A few walks
Gender:  Only time will tell!
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  Cami's birthday
Milestones:  Second Trimester!
Quote(s) of the week:  N/A

The 13 week 'bump'...
13 Weeks

13 Weeks

It's Official!

Cameron is excited to share that she's going to be a big sister this April!

Big Sister Cameron

Baby Arkins #2 is due April 10, 2013.

Baby #2: 12w4d
Catch up on how Baby #2 has been growing:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cameron is 50 Weeks Old!

50 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 50 Weeks Old!

I still can't believe my BABY girl will be ONE...this month!  It's been fun to watch her little personality develop over the past year.  She's a pretty smart little girl that that constantly has us laughing and smiling.

It was a really good week for Cami.  She cut two new teething around Thursday.  I only noticed because I try and feel her gums every once in a while.  She cut her top middle left tooth and the one to the left of that.  I believe the two on the other side are pretty close as well.  The trend seems to be that she gets fussy a week or two before she cuts the tooth.  The actual cutting of all four of her teeth has been uneventful so far.  Hope that continues!

Cami's new favorite thing is to stand up.  The downside to this is she likes to stand holding on to either Bryan or I.  She's not quite satisfied holding on to the table or couch yet.  She's getting pretty good at it though!  She hasn't been interested in taking any steps yet but I'm sure that will come soon.

Cami continues to eat pretty well.  We had some cheese ravioli this weekend while out to dinner.  Cami surprised us by eating two whole two inch cheese ravioli.  This on top of the bottle, Cheerios and bread she'd already had.

When we're eating at home in the high chair Cami's mischievous side comes out.  About halfway through her meal she'll start holding food out to the side over the dogs.  They don't really notice, but I tell her "Cami no, please keep your food on the tray."  She smiles and brings her hand back to the tray and I praise her.  Next she gives me this mischievous smile and slowly holds her hand out again.  I repeat the "No Cami" and she'll bring it back.  She's a smart one and is testing me!  It's hard not to laugh because it's really quite cute.

I'm still working on getting her to drink whole milk.  I'm not sure what the best strategy is between transitioning to the whole milk AND dropping bottle for sippy cups.  So far I've been doing  milk in JUST sippy cups as her 'big girl' drinks and then hopefully she'll start taking less bottles.  At home on the weekend she'll take 3 bottles but on school days she'll take up to 5.  Sometimes I think they feed her based on a time schedule vs. her being actually hungry.  Oh well...she'll get there eventually!

Playing with Kaylee

Playing with Brady
