Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 2013

Still Loving Playground Fun

Playing at the Park

Testing out the bouncer for Caleb

Crazy Bath Hair with Daddy

Doing complex math on her Abacus

Publix Sprinkle Cookie Monster
Ringing the Bell at the Playground
Checking out her belly
More bath time fun with daddy
Miss Piggy

Getting ready for Caleb!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby #2: 38 Weeks

Week 38: Pumpkin
"Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  38 Weeks
How big is baby:  The size of a pumpkin.
Weight gain:  No change for a total gain of 31.0 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Yep...I'm pretty much over this wardrobe.
Sleep:  Up to use the bathroom multiple times a night and still having a few rocky nights of being wide awake at 2 am.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  Getting more and more uncomfortable, just plain exhausted
Exercise:  At this point the stairs seem like exercise...
Gender:  BOY!  His name will be Caleb Patrick Arkins.
Movement:  Constant
Belly button:  Part of it sticks out slightly...
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to: 2 more weeks!
Milestones:  Caleb can make his appearance 'any day now'.
Quote(s) of the week:  None

Last week I started feeling congested and thought it was allergies.  By the time the weekend rolled around I was quite congested and started coughing.  By Monday, I was MISERABLE constantly blowing my nose and painfully coughing.  I had my weekly OB appointment yesterday and Dr. Tandon gave me antibiotics and I'm already feeling better.  Hopefully I'll be back to 'normal' by this weekend!

The 38 week bump...
38 Weeks

38 Weeks

38 Weeks

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Baby #2: 37 Weeks

Week 37: Winter Melon
"Yay! Baby has reached full term. He likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. He's gaining about 1/2 ounce each day."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  37 Weeks
How big is baby:  The size of a winter melon.
Weight gain:  Up 2.0 pounds for a  total gain of 31.0 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Yep...I'm pretty much over this wardrobe.
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom...and every time I roll over...Also had a few nights where I couldn't fall back asleep around 2 am.
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  Getting more and more uncomfortable, just plain exhausted
Exercise:  At this point the stairs seem like exercise...
Gender:  BOY!  His name will be Caleb Patrick Arkins.
Movement:  Constant
Belly button:  Part of it sticks out slightly...
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  3 more weeks!
Milestones:  FULL TERM!  Caleb can make his appearance 'any day now'.
Quote(s) of the week:  None

The 37 week bump...
37 Weeks

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cameron is 17 Months Old!

17 Months
Cameron Leigh is 17 Months Old!
Age: 17 Months
Weight: 30 pounds - 98%
Clothing Size: Mostly 2T and 3T.
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 4
Number of Teeth: 9 total - One new molar this month with more on the way
Favorite Foods: Chicken Nuggets, All Fruit, Cheese, Yogurt
Favorite Toys: Books, Blocks, Shoes, Balls
New Words: Shoes, Sssss (for snake), Hi, More, Book

Cami is definitely a toddler now.  I'm not sure when she got so big!  Sometimes I still don't believe it.  She seems to be communicating a little better this month.  She's starting to point a lot more but still hasn't learned a ton of words.  She will get there.  Cami has definitely been a bit clingy lately - I'm not sure if she knows her world is about to change with the arrival of Caleb or if it's just a phase but we've definitely had our fair share of tantrums and crying.  By this time next month, Cameron will be a big sister!

Hamming It Up

Rocking the Pigtails

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Baby #2: 36 Weeks

Week 36: Honeydew
"Baby is getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  36 Weeks
How big is baby:  The size of a honeydew.
Weight gain:  Up 0.6 pounds for a  total gain of 29.0 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Yep! Also resigned to wearing Bryan's t shirts.
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom...and every time I roll over...
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  Getting more and more uncomfortable, just plain exhausted, a few leg cramps
Exercise:  At this point the stairs seem like exercise...
Gender:  BOY!  His name will be Caleb Patrick Arkins.
Movement:  Constant
Belly button:  Part of it sticks out slightly...
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  4 more weeks!
Milestones:  N/A
Quote(s) of the week:  None

The 36 week bump...
36 Weeks

36 Weeks

36 Weeks

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby #2: 35 Weeks

Week 35: Coconut
"You’ve reached 35 weeks, and your uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size, a number that might sound exaggerated to everyone else -- but to you it probably feels more like a million."

Weekly Survey
How far along:  35 Weeks
How big is baby:  The size of a coconut.
Weight gain:  No change - total gain of 28.4 pounds.
Maternity clothes:  Yep! Also resigned to wearing Bryan's t shirts.
Sleep:  Up once a night for the bathroom...and every time I roll over...
Best moment this week:  N/A
Food cravings:  None
Food aversions:  None
Symptoms:  Feeling a lot of pressure and pretty exhausted at the end of the day.
Exercise:  Not really.
Gender:  BOY!  His name will be Caleb Patrick Arkins.
Movement:  Constant
Belly button:  Pretty much flat...
What I miss:  N/A
What I'm looking forward to:  5 more weeks!
Milestones:  35/35 - 35 Weeks Pregnant / 35 Days to go!
Quote(s) of the week:  None

The 35 week bump...
35 Weeks

35 Weeks

35 Weeks

5 - 35 Week Timeline

35 Week Comparison: #1 (Cameron) vs. #2 (Caleb)