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Monday, June 25, 2012

Cameron is 36 Weeks Old!

36 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 36 Weeks Old!
Age:  36 Weeks
Weight:  21 lbs 0 oz.
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

Cami is officially sitting like a champ!  She can catch herself with her hand if she starts to topple over.  She still falls over sometimes but overall she's doing pretty well.  We play a lot with Cami on her tummy but she's not showing any signs of being ready to crawl.  She easily turns herself around 360 degrees and sometimes pushes her self backwards a bit.  At least we don't have to worry about baby proofing this house!

It seems Cami went throught a little growth spurt this week.  She took an extra bottle for a few days and then on Thursday she had 7 bottles (42 oz.) compared to her normal of 4 bottles (24 oz.).  She woke up around 11:30pm for one of those.  Luckily we were only up for about 15 minutes.

By Saturday though she about lost her appetite.  It was a challenge to even get her to take 4 bottles and she didn't finish a single one.  I think she may be teething a bit because she's been a little fussy.  Cami woke up Sunday morning crying (tears and all!) but felt better after some cuddles with mommy.  Hopefully this is the worst it will be.

I went out to a girls dinner on Tuesday night with Amber and Kelly.  Bryan texted me this picture of Cami and we all agreed these are her 'get whatever I want from Daddy' eyes.  So cute.  Looks like she enjoyed her green beans and squash.

Please Daddy??

Mmm...enjoying some rice noodles from Mommy's Pho

Healthy Belly

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cameron is 35 Weeks Old!

35 Weeks

Cameron Leigh is 35 Weeks Old!
Age:  35 Weeks
Weight:  20 lbs 8.0 oz.
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3


Cami and Daddy on Father's Day

I need more toys!

MY Brady!

Who me?

Cami holding Brady's paw.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cameron is 8 Months Old!

8 Months
Cameron Leigh is 8 Months Old!
Age: 8 Months

Weight: 20 lbs 8.0 oz, ~80%
Length: 29.5 in.,  95+%

Head Circ: 17.00 in, ~50%  (I don't think I measured correctly last month because I got the same number!)
Clothing Size: 6-9 month clothes are getting tight, wearing a lot of 9-12 month clothes
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers size 3 during the day, Pampers Extra Protection size 3 at night.

Cami LOVES solid food.  She seems to know when it's dinner time (around 6pm).  Even if she's had a bottle within the last 30 minutes, she is ready for yummy food.  Right now she's eating breakfast at daycare - typically 4 oz. of fruit with oatmeal.  For dinner we usually have 4 oz. each of 2 different fruits or veggies and then a serving of multi grain cereal.  Cami is a little piggy at night and I swear she would eat more if we tried but I think 10 oz. is plenty for her right now!

Lately she's started taking a bit more formula so I think it's time to introduce lunch.  I started today with 4 oz. of veggies around lunch time and she ate most of it.  Hopefully it will become a part of the routine.  

Cami is drinking 4 6 oz. bottles of formula routinely and then sometimes she'll take an additional 4-5 oz. right when we get home from daycare.  When she takes the extra bottle I use a sippy cup instead.  She does well with one kind I have because the spout is silicone like her bottle nipples.  I have a sippy cup with a stiffer spout and she doesn't seem to care for it.  Cami also efficiently holds her bottle.  I lay her in the boppy and she can drink the whole bottle all by herself.

Fruits we've tried to date:  Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Mangoes, Peaches, Pears, Prunes, Pumpkin

Vegetables we've tried to date:  Butternut Squash, Carrots, Green Beans, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini

Cami is sleeping really well too.  Bedtime is between 7-7:30 pm on school nights and sometimes a bit later on the weekend.  We wake her up at 6:40 am for daycare and on the weekends it seems she wakes anytime between 6:30 and 7:30 am.  Very rarely will she sleep later than that.  Cami is still taking about two naps a day.  Her naps at daycare are never consistent but at home she'll usually nap about an hour in the morning and then a good 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  I'm hoping at the new daycare she'll nap a little better.

Cami has started reaching and grabbing a lot more.  Whenever we sit down at restaurants she immediately starts grabbing at everything she can get her hands on.  She loves chewing the corners of our menus if we let her.  Sometimes Cami will even reach to be picked's rare, but it's happened!

Everyday she gets more and more personality...I love it.  I can't wait to see how much she keeps changing and growing.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cameron is 34 Weeks Old!

34 Weeks!

Cameron Leigh is 34 Weeks Old!
Age:  34 Weeks
Weight:  20 lbs 4.5 oz
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

Cami is doing great, she's almost 8 months old!  We're still working on sitting up unassisted.  She's pretty stable on her own, but if she reaches for a toy she easily topples over.  She has definitely improved over the last few weeks.  When Cami plays on her tummy she can turn herself in a circle but so far no forward (or backward) motion.

I recently bought a portable high chair to take out to eat with us.  If you know Bryan and I, you know we have our fair share of meals out - especially on the weekend.  This new high chair is AMAZING and Cami seems to really enjoy it.  The chair easily clips on any table and is especially nice on booths so she's not hanging off the end of the table by herself in restaurant high chairs.  It also brings her right up to the table which will be nice in the future when she starts feeding herself.

Cami's new high chair!

Out to eat for sushi in the new high chair!

Cami & Kaylee

Playing with all my toys!

So many to choose from!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cameron is 33 Weeks Old!

33 Weeks - All Smiles!

Cameron Leigh is 33 Weeks Old!
Age:  33 Weeks
Weight:  19 lbs 12.4 oz 
Clothing Size:  6-9 month & 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

Just pictures this week - enjoy!

My pouty face


Epic Blowout

Time to hose her off!
Hangin out with daddy

Cutie Pie

Getting strong!