Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 2013

Little man enjoying his playmat

Cameron always wants to play too

Having fun

Lil' Bro

Cameron showing Caleb some Disney Jr.

Cameorn having fun with stickers

Caleb playing in Cami's fireman hat

Hanging out together

Lounging with daddy


Ha, nice try Cami!


More stickers

Captain Adorable

Cami playing with her new baby stroller

Cameron loves this green smoothie drink and her big girl cup.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Caleb is 12 Weeks Old!

12 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 12 Weeks Old!
Age: 12 Weeks
Weight: 15 lbs 8 oz
Clothing Size:  3-6 months
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2
Feeding Schedule:  6 - 8 x's per day

Seems like there's been a lot of new developments with Caleb this week!  He started daycare Monday and went all week.  He took 3-4 4 oz. bottles daily every 2.5 - 3 hours.  His teachers said he is definitely hungry come bottle time but have been trying to stretch him to at least 2.5 hours per my request.

His napping at school has been a little shaky.  They said he moves a lot during his sleep and is very sensitive to sounds.  Otherwise he seems to be doing great.

When I drop him off in the morning, his classroom (room 4) isn't open yet so he goes to room 1 with two of Cami's old teachers.  Every morning they fight over who gets to hold him and rave about how cute he is and how they can't wait till he moves up to their room.  He's going to be spoiled by them just like Cami was!

Caleb has been on probiotics the past few weeks as well.  It seems like they are doing their job pretty well and keeping him regular almost daily vs. the 4 day stretches he took last month!

Caleb's sleep has continued to be decent.  He's only up once a night which I can deal with a lot better than 3 times a night.  He did have a 10 hour night which was probably the result of poor naps at school.  I'm a little nervous about work next week and timing his morning feed but hopefully we'll fall into a good routine.

Speaking of work, Monday is my first day back!  This last week was exactly what I needed to get ready...massage, facial, lots of shopping and even some house cleaning.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Caleb is 11 Weeks Old!

11 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 11 Weeks Old!
Age: 11 Weeks
Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz
Clothing Size:  3-6 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2
Feeding Schedule:  7-10 x's per day

We went to the GI specialist on Tuesday.  I told her about Caleb's gas and frequent wakings.  She asked a bunch of questions about Caleb and examined him.  She also check his dirty diaper for blood (sign of distressed GI tract) and found none.  In the end she said "I think he just has a little bit of colic." Ha.  She thinks he's just a big, growing boy that eats a lot.

The doctor gave me a few bits of advice to try and help with the gas and his stomach pains.  I would typically feed Caleb every 2 - 2.5 hours because he would be fussy and that was really the only way to get him to feel stop.  She recommended I stretch his feedings out to around 3 hours and see how he does.  She also suggested I stop and burp him more frequently during feedings.

Since Tuesday morning, I have stretched Caleb's feeding's to a minimum of 2:45 and amazingly enough, he started sleeping better that night.  He had a 4:40 stretch the first night and last night he went 6:05.  The past three nights he's only gotten up ONCE each night, although we still have an early morning start around 6am.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not that Caleb is sleeping better with the extended feedings and extra burping but I'm a much happier momma now.  Fingers crossed it only gets better.  He's still waking up with gas, but he doesn't seem unhappy like he was before.

Caleb starts daycare on Monday!  I'm sure the change in scenery and a little break from me will be good for him.  :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Cameron is 20 Months Old!

20 Months
Cameron Leigh is 20 Months Old!
Age: 20 Months
Weight: ~33 lbs - 99%
Clothing Size: 2T, 3T and some 4T
Diaper Size: Pampers Cruisers size 5
Number of Teeth: 14 total - No new ones this month
Favorite Foods: BANANAS, Applesauce, Pasta, Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Toys: Push/Ride on Car; Balls; Picnic Basket; Blocks; Books

Cameron moved up to a new room in daycare at the beginning of June.  She's now with kids 19 months to two years old.  I think this has really helped her talk a lot more.  Her teacher says she's one of the best kids in class.

Cameron has learned a lot of animals and the sounds they make lately.  She knows a dog goes 'woof woof', a cat goes 'meow', a sheep goes 'baa baa', a horse goes 'neigh', a frog goes 'ribbit ribbit', a monkey goes 'ooh ooh, aah ahh' and she can make fish lips.  She also understands a lot more and can point out specific pictures in a book.

Cameron also knows how to push mommy and daddy's buttons.  She can be very needy and attention demanding after school.  I guess it makes sense since she's been away from us all day, but it makes getting dinner ready difficult.  I think Cami also knows I'm home all day with Caleb so she gets jealous and wants to be held by me if I'm tending to Caleb.  It's not unusual for Cameron to throw a tantrum and cry for 15 minutes because something didn't go her way.

This month it has also been painful to take Cameron out to eat.  The majority of the time she will refuse to sit in her high chair or a booster seat.  She'd much rather stand in the booth and cause trouble.

Such a ham

Getting so big!

Her first bun.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Caleb is 10 Weeks Old!

10 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 10 Weeks Old!
Age: 10 Weeks
Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz
Clothing Size:  Moved up to 3-6 month this week!
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2
Feeding Schedule:  ~10 x's per day

The weekend started well with Caleb sleeping pretty good.  Friday he went for 6 hours and Saturday he went for 9 hours.  However that was short lived and he reverted back to a max stretch of 2.5 hours the rest of the week.  I try to put him to sleep by 9 or so.  Between 9 pm and 5 am, he's up at least 3 times.  When he wakes up between 5-6 am I take him downstairs and am usually successful in getting him back to sleep again within the hour (after eating).  I nap during this time too.  Last night was rough as every time he was up, I spent at least an hour to hour and a half trying to get him back to sleep.

He's still doing the crying/screaming in his sleep.  I can rock him and he'll calm down, but when I stop, he starts screaming again.  I end up unswaddling him and feeding him.  While I'm changing his diaper, he typically passes a ton of gas.  Poor little man just seems to have to much gas and stomach pain.

I decided to take him to the Dr. today because I kept a food log the past week and there's no one food I can attribute to his fussiness.  It seems that the same stuff I ate this week was the same stuff I ate a few weeks ago when he was sleeping much better so I'm at a loss.

We were able to see his normal Dr. today (who we just saw last Friday) and with the lack of improvement from Caleb she referred us to a pediatric GI specialist.  She says he is growing just fine but we need to figure out how to make him happy.  I have an appointment with the specialist on Tuesday so hopefully she can help shed some light on the situation.

I go back to work in two weeks and our family can't function with this little sleep!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Caleb is 9 Weeks Old!

9 Weeks
Caleb Patrick is 9 Weeks Old!
Age: 9 Weeks
Weight: 14 lbs 10 oz
Clothing Size:  All 0-3 months but I can tell it won't be long until we move up!
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 2 - ahhh these fit SO much better!
Feeding Schedule:  ~10 x's per day

I wish I could say sleeping got better this week...but it didn't. Sigh.  Caleb had a few nights where he did a bit longer stretches but no where close to the 9 hours I know he can do!  He's still getting up about 3 times a night and up for the day by 6 am usually.  Last night was a better night with a 6 hour stretch...but who knows if it will continue.

I've officially be dairy and soy free for 11 days.  Caleb's skin has cleared up a lot with just some dry patches on his elbows and thighs.  His tummy seems to be cleared all the way up compared to last weekend when it was covered in red bumps and blotchy.

We had his 2 month checkup today - 5 shots and 1 oral vaccine, poor guy!  He took them like a champ and stopped crying when mommy picked him up.  I talked to the doctor about his sensitivities and she is on board with the milk and soy intolerances and thinks there may be something else in my diet causing him some issues since he still has the bad gas and mucous poops.  She recommended keeping a food diary to compare what I eat to how he acts.  She was also very supportive of continuing to breastfeed as throwing formula into the mix now would just be something new he could react too.

For now we'll just keep going how we're going and maybe he'll grow out of it by the time we get it all figured out. Haha! :)

Otherwise, Caleb seems to be a bit happier during the day.  I kind of figured out his routine and can tell when he needs a nap.  That has made it easier and he'll now go longer in between feedings.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Caleb is 2 Months Old!

2 Months
Caleb Patrick is 2 Months Old!
Age: 2 Months
Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz, 94%
Length: 23.5 in., 69%
Head Circumference: 15.75 in., 51%
Clothing Size: Mostly 0-3 month clothes (Moving up soon)
Diaper Size: Pampers Swaddlers size 1 (Last Pack)