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Monday, June 25, 2012

Cameron is 36 Weeks Old!

36 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 36 Weeks Old!
Age:  36 Weeks
Weight:  21 lbs 0 oz.
Clothing Size:  6-9 month (getting tight) and 9-12 month
Diaper Size:  Pampers Swaddlers Size 3

Cami is officially sitting like a champ!  She can catch herself with her hand if she starts to topple over.  She still falls over sometimes but overall she's doing pretty well.  We play a lot with Cami on her tummy but she's not showing any signs of being ready to crawl.  She easily turns herself around 360 degrees and sometimes pushes her self backwards a bit.  At least we don't have to worry about baby proofing this house!

It seems Cami went throught a little growth spurt this week.  She took an extra bottle for a few days and then on Thursday she had 7 bottles (42 oz.) compared to her normal of 4 bottles (24 oz.).  She woke up around 11:30pm for one of those.  Luckily we were only up for about 15 minutes.

By Saturday though she about lost her appetite.  It was a challenge to even get her to take 4 bottles and she didn't finish a single one.  I think she may be teething a bit because she's been a little fussy.  Cami woke up Sunday morning crying (tears and all!) but felt better after some cuddles with mommy.  Hopefully this is the worst it will be.

I went out to a girls dinner on Tuesday night with Amber and Kelly.  Bryan texted me this picture of Cami and we all agreed these are her 'get whatever I want from Daddy' eyes.  So cute.  Looks like she enjoyed her green beans and squash.

Please Daddy??

Mmm...enjoying some rice noodles from Mommy's Pho

Healthy Belly

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