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Monday, September 3, 2012

Cameron is 46 Weeks Old!

46 Weeks
Cameron Leigh is 46 Weeks Old!

Well Cami has seemed to master crawling.  She rarely does her 'inch worm' move anymore and is getting faster and faster by the day.  She also loves getting around in her walker.  She takes off running in it.  Cami is getting much more curious...and it looks like it's time to start baby proofing a bit.  When she's in her walker she tries to open cabinets and play with the outlets.

Cami is on pretty much all table food.  She eats breakfast, lunch and snack at daycare off their menu.  She still drinks 4 bottles a day but seems less interested in them lately.  It takes her a while to finish them and even then she'll still leave an ounce or two.

Cami definitely has a cold right now.  Her nose has been running constantly and she has a cough.  I also think she still has an ear infection (despite just finishins a round of antibiotics) or she's teething really badly.  She won't sleep without crying unless she has some Advil and I can easily tell when it wears off because she gets fussy again.  We have a follow up Dr.'s appointment tomorrow for her ear infection from two weeks ago so hopefully they can provide some insight.

We went to a neighborhood potluck yesterday at the pool.  It was pretty fun and we got to meet some more neighbors.  We spent about an hour hanging out in the pool.  Cami had fun in her float and enjoyed swimming around with us.

Look at all my hair!

Cami Crawling

Cami and Her Walker

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